Phoenix, New Frontier & Psychocrypt - oh my! :)
H. Reckel | St. Louis, MO | 04/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
More GR eps restored and on DVD!
When I saw that the ep Psychocrypt was going to be on this volume, I was jumping for joy. Psychocrypt, one of the more pivotal episodes of the series, was never released on commercial VHS. (Let me tell you - this was one of *the* most sought after eps for the fan trading - everyone wanted to know who had this ep and did they have *hopefully* a clean copy in stereo?)
It goes to show how strongly Zach loves his wife and how the Queen of the Crown played on that love with Eliza's crystal. You also see how much of a true b*$%# the Queen of the Crown is. Very well written ep and definitely not your aveage kiddy show!!
Rainmaker - good story, more hints about how Goose gets really mad when Niko gets hurt. *g* (Yes, I'm an admitted G/N'er! :-p), and wow.... the trick Niko pulls out of her hat in order to save Sheriff Ladd's daughter, Amy.... (Oh yes, much homage in the name, Sheriff Ladd there.... :-p) I don't remember - is this the first time the team had pulled their talents together for something like that?
That is one of the things that has always impressed me over the years about GR - they didn't really have your typical "Kids don't remember story lines..." writing, and the characters were really believable. I gotta hand it to Sir Robert - he knew what he was doing when he assembled the writing staff! Thanks to Christopher Rowley, Brian Dayley, and Dan Fiorella (just to name the few that pop up right off hand!) for making this show stand the test of time.
I can't wait for the next two volumes to be released!"