Everyone Should Love CHRIS
Bennet Pomerantz | Seabrook, Maryland | 10/29/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Comedian Chris Rock created Everyone Hates Chris. This show is a cross between American Graffitti and The Wonder Years.
What makes this show funny is the reason The Wonder Years were funny. A family show covering LIFE, real life-where there is so much humor.
It is worth it-YES. The humor crosses color lines and is worth it
Bennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD"
Bennet Pomerantz | 09/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"everybody hates chris is the best serie i've ever seen the best thing is that it is so real. In the normal live it happens like this and the people chosen for the video have the right faces for their personage when watching the serie you feel like it's real, i want to know if their are more videos of everybody hates chris, if not it would be fine to make some more seasons before teh boys grow up."
Best show out in a long time
Tamara D. Johnson | Memphis, TN USA | 10/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just purchased this DVD based on the few shows that I watched. The show is about Chris Rock family and school life in his early teens. Anyone can relate to his family (the bratty youngest child, the perfect child, mom who can get over on dad anytime and the loving, but cheap father).
I loved every show!!"
The funniest show I have ever seen!
Tamara D. Johnson | 09/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Everybody Hates Chris is the funniest show that has ever been made. The family is crazy. The mom can't stop eating so many chocolate turtles! I want the DVD to be out soon."