James A. Holt

DVDs James A. Holt helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (5)

2008 - Michael Clayton (Full Screen Edition)

Genres: Drama, Mystery & Suspense
2004 - Spartan

Genres: Action & Adventure, Indie & Art House, Drama, Mystery & Suspense
2004 - Alex Emma (Full Screen Edition)

Genres: Comedy
2003 - Avenging Angelo

2002 - Heist

Currently Unavailable DVDs (7)

2009 - The Whole Nine Yards (Keepcase)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Comedy
2002 - Zig Zag

Genres: Drama
2002 - Night Hunter

Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
2002 - When the Party's Over

2001 - The Caveman's Valentine

2000 - The Whole Nine Yards

1999 - Virtual Combat