Daniel Melnick

DVDs Daniel Melnick starred in...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2021 - LA Story (Blu-ray)

DVDs Daniel Melnick directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2021 - LA Story (Blu-ray)

DVDs Daniel Melnick helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (4)

2004 - Footloose (Special Collector's Edition)

Genres: Drama, Music Video & Concerts, Musicals & Performing Arts
2002 - Footloose

Genres: Drama
2002 - Roxanne

Genres: Indie & Art House, Comedy, Drama
2000 - Blue Streak

Currently Unavailable DVDs (19)

2021 - LA Story (Blu-ray)

2011 - Footloose (Deluxe Edition)

2010 - Altered States

2006 - Making Love

2005 - Unfaithfully Yours

2004 - That's Entertainment

2004 - That's Entertainment Pt 2

2004 - Get Smart Again

2004 - Altered States

2003 - All That Jazz

2002 - Quicksilver
2002 - Novocaine /LA Story
2002 - Punchline
2002 - Death of a Salesman (Broadway Theatre Archive)
2001 - Original Cast Album - Company
1999 - Mountains of the Moon (Ws)
1999 - Straw Dogs
1998 - LA Story
1998 - Air America