David V. Picker

DVDs David V. Picker directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2019 - The Jerk (Blu-ray)

DVDs David V. Picker starred in...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2019 - The Jerk (Blu-ray)

DVDs David V. Picker helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

1999 - The Man with Two Brains

Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Currently Unavailable DVDs (25)

2019 - The Jerk (Blu-ray)

2016 - The Jerk / Housesitter / Parenthood / The Lonely Guy 4-Movie Laugh Pack

2016 - The Jerk (New Artwork)

2016 - The Jerk

2013 - The Jerk (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

2011 - A Hard Day's Night

2007 - The Jerk (HD DVD)

2007 - Royal Flash

2004 - Smile

2004 - The Crucible

2003 - Livin' Large
2003 - Oliver's Story
2003 - Beat Street
2003 - Stella
2003 - Hans Christian Andersen - My Life as a Fairytale
2002 - Traces of Red (Sub)
2002 - Fidel
2002 - Back to the Secret Garden
2002 - Lenny
2001 - The Miracle Maker - The Story of Jesus / In the Beginning
2001 - Aftershock Earthquake in New York
2001 - In the Beginning
2000 - Journey to the Center of the Earth
1999 - The Temptations
1999 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid