Debbie Allen

DVDs Debbie Allen starred in...

Currently Available DVDs (2)

2007 - Tournament of Dreams

Genres: Drama
2005 - Fame - The Complete First Season

Genres: Drama, Television

Currently Unavailable DVDs (11)

2018 - Soldiers of Change

2010 - Alex in Wonderland

2010 - Soldiers of Change

2009 - The Compass

2007 - Everything's Jake

2005 - Battle Night The Krump Wars

2004 - All About You

2002 - Alice at the Palace (Broadway Theatre Archive)

2002 - Jo Jo Dancer Your Life Is Calling

2002 - C Bear and Jamal

1999 - Michael Jordan - An American Hero

DVDs Debbie Allen directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (12)

2018 - Soldiers of Change

2013 - Army Wives The Complete Seventh Season

2012 - The Fantasia Barrino Story (DVD)

2011 - Fresh Prince of Bel Air Complete Seasons 1-6

2009 - Family Ties The Fifth Season

2009 - Girlfriends The Sixth Season

2006 - Quantum Leap - The Complete Fifth Season

2006 - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - The Complete First Four Seasons

2006 - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - The Complete First Three Seasons

2005 - Quantum Leap - The Complete Third Season

2005 - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air The Complete First Season
Polly The Wonderful World of Disney

DVDs Debbie Allen helped create...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (3)

2018 - Soldiers of Change

2003 - Saving Private Ryan Amistad (2pc)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Military & War
1999 - Amistad - DTS

Genres: Drama, Mystery & Suspense, African American Cinema