James Newton Howard

DVDs James Newton Howard starred in...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2004 - Daylight Again

Genres: Music Video & Concerts

DVDs James Newton Howard helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

2009 - Confessions of a Shopaholic

Genres: Comedy

Currently Unavailable DVDs (9)

2009 - Confessions of a Shopaholic (Two-Disc Special Edition + Digital Copy)

Genres: Comedy
2009 - Confessions of a Shopaholic (Blu-ray)

Genres: Comedy
2008 - Mad Money (Blu-ray)

Genres: Comedy
2008 - The Sixth Sense (Blu-ray)

2008 - Signs (Blu-ray)

2008 - The Water Horse Legend of the Deep (Blu-ray)

2008 - Unbreakable (Blu-ray)

2007 - Lady in the Water (HD DVD)

2005 - Go Toward the Light