Jirí Trnka

DVDs Jirí Trnka directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2006 - The Golden Age of Cartoons Cartoons for Victory

Genres: Comedy, Kids & Family, Military & War, Animation
2000 - The Puppet Films of Jiri Trnka

Genres: Action & Adventure, Westerns, Classics, Comedy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation

DVDs Jirí Trnka helped create...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2006 - The Golden Age of Cartoons Cartoons for Victory

Genres: Comedy, Kids & Family, Military & War, Animation
2000 - The Puppet Films of Jiri Trnka

Genres: Action & Adventure, Westerns, Classics, Comedy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation