John Sebastian

DVDs John Sebastian starred in...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (9)

2009 - What's Up Tiger Lily

Genres: Comedy
2009 - Lovin' Spoonful Summer in the City

2008 - John Sebastian Welcome Back

Genres: Music Video & Concerts
2008 - The Holy Modal Rounders Bound to Lose

2007 - John Sebastian Teaches eight Lovin' Spoonful hits (and "Welcome Back")

2007 - David Bromberg Demon in Disguise

2005 - DVD-Learn To Play Autoharp

2004 - DVD-The Fingerpicking Blues Of Mississippi John Hurt

2004 - DVD-John Sebastian Teaches Blues Harmonica

DVDs John Sebastian directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2007 - The Lovin' Spoonful with John Sebastian - Do You Believe in Magic

Genres: Music Video & Concerts
2004 - DVD-The Fingerpicking Blues Of Mississippi John Hurt

Genres: Special Interests, Educational, Musicals & Performing Arts