Laura Gemser

DVDs Laura Gemser starred in...

Currently Available DVDs (1)

1998 - Love Is Forever

Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Television

Currently Unavailable DVDs (29)

2021 - Emanuelle And The White Slave Trade (Blu-ray)

2021 - Invaders Of The Lost Gold (Blu-ray)

2019 - Emanuelle in America (Blu-ray)

2018 - Violence in a Women's Prison

2018 - Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (Blu-ray)

2018 - Emmanuelle and the Deadly Black Cobra aka Black Cobra Woman (Blu-ray)

2012 - Ator The Fighting Eagle

2010 - Black Emmanuelle White Emmanuelle

2010 - Women in Prison LiteBox (Women in Fury / Women in a Women's Prison/ Shadow)

2010 - The Alcove

2009 - The Real Emanuelle
2009 - Horrible
2008 - Women's Prison Massacre Uncut
2008 - Emanuelle in Bangkok
2008 - Emanuelle Collection Triple Pack
2007 - Emanuelle Queen of the Desert
2007 - Private Collections
2005 - Divine Emanuelle Love Cult
2005 - Women's Prison Massacre
2005 - Extreme Cop Thrillers Vol 2 Black Cobra/Maniac Cop
2004 - Erotic Nights of the Living Dead
2004 - Erotic Nights of the Living Dead
2004 - Black Cobra Woman
2003 - Emanuelle in America
2003 - Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals
2003 - Invaders of the Lost Gold
2002 - Violence in a Women's Prison
1999 - The Dirty Seven
1998 - Emanuelle on Taboo Island

DVDs Laura Gemser directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (3)

2021 - Emanuelle And The White Slave Trade (Blu-ray)

2021 - Invaders Of The Lost Gold (Blu-ray)

2019 - Emanuelle in America (Blu-ray)

DVDs Laura Gemser helped create...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (4)

2021 - Emanuelle And The White Slave Trade (Blu-ray)

2021 - Invaders Of The Lost Gold (Blu-ray)

2019 - Emanuelle in America (Blu-ray)

Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade