Rosita Arenas

DVDs Rosita Arenas starred in...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (9)

2023 - Mexico Macabre Four Sinister Tales from the Alameda Films Vault 19591963 - US LIMITED EDITION (Blu-ray)

2022 - The Aztec Mummy Collection

2015 - Face of the Screaming Werewolf

2008 - Que Te Ha Dado Esa Mujer

2006 - The Witch's Mirror (El Espejo de la Bruja)

2006 - The Curse of the Crying Woman (La Maldición de la Llorona)

2005 - Los Chiflados del Rock N Roll

2005 - El Genial Detective Peter Perez

2005 - La Hija Del Ministro

DVDs Rosita Arenas directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2023 - Mexico Macabre Four Sinister Tales from the Alameda Films Vault 19591963 - US LIMITED EDITION (Blu-ray)

2022 - The Aztec Mummy Collection

DVDs Rosita Arenas helped create...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (2)

2023 - Mexico Macabre Four Sinister Tales from the Alameda Films Vault 19591963 - US LIMITED EDITION (Blu-ray)

2022 - The Aztec Mummy Collection