Roy Dotrice

DVDs Roy Dotrice starred in...

Currently Available DVDs (4)

2014 - Beauty The Beast The Complete Series

2008 - Beauty and the Beast - The Complete Series

Genres: Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Television, Mystery & Suspense
2007 - Played

Genres: Indie & Art House, Drama
2001 - The Cutting Edge

Currently Unavailable DVDs (11)

2021 - Beauty and the Beast The Complete Series

2011 - Cutting Edge (Blu-ray)

Genres: Comedy, Drama
2011 - Family Reunion

Genres: Drama, Kids & Family
2010 - Amadeus (Director's Cut)

2007 - These Foolish Things

2007 - The Lady Forgets

2007 - Dickens of London (5pc)

2007 - Beauty and the Beast - The Second Season

2005 - Remington Steele - Season Two

1999 - Saturn 3

1997 - Amadeus

DVDs Roy Dotrice directed...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2021 - Beauty and the Beast The Complete Series

DVDs Roy Dotrice helped create...

Currently Unavailable DVDs (1)

2021 - Beauty and the Beast The Complete Series