| Spider-Man - The New Animated Series - The Mutant Menace (Vol. 1) (2004) NR Actors: Neil Patrick Harris, Lisa Loeb, Ian Ziering Directors: Alan Caldwell, Audu Paden, Brandon Vietti, Ezekiel Norton, James Taylor Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Television, Mystery & Suspense, Animation SwapaDVD Credits: 1
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| Lois & Clark - The New Adventures of Superman - The Complete Third Season (2006) Unrated Actors: Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher, Lane Smith Directors: Alan J. Levi, Chris Long, Daniel Attias, David Jackson, Geoffrey Nottage Genres: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Television SwapaDVD Credits: 6
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