Currently Available DVDs (4) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (29)2006 - Frontline Tank Man 2006 - Frontline Can You Afford to Retire 2006 - Frontline The Dark Side 2006 - Frontline The Al Qaeda Files 2006 - Frontline The Age of AIDS 2006 - NOVA Shark Attack 2006 - Frontline - The Meth Epidemic 2006 - NOVA Sinking the Supership 2005 - Frontline Karl Rove - The Architect 2005 - Three Sovereigns for Sarah 2004 - Satan in the Suburbs 2004 - Nova - Battle Plan Under Fire 2004 - Ghosts of Rwanda 2004 - Frontline The Plea 2004 - Nova - Life and Death in the War Zone 2004 - Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain 2001 - NBA Ultimate Player 2000 - Floating 2000 - The 50 Years War - Israel The Arabs