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Topic: Muse of Fire

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kevintheklingon (Kevin B.)

Subject: Muse of Fire
Date Posted: 12/14/2012 5:29 PM ET
Member Since: 11/27/2007
Posts: 8
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"If I had my way, every person who came back from overseas, in any sort of service whatsoever, would put down their ideas, their memories, their imagination" - these are the words spoken by Ray Bradbury at the beginning of the film and it really sets the tone.

This DVD is a wonderful collection of real people talking about their military experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan AND the writings of their families back here in the States. Apparently, the National Endowment for the Arts asked troops going over and families to write about their experiences as they were living them. Enormous historical potential here with real insight into the day to day trials and triumphs of military life. The stories come from 6,000 troops from 25 bases and 5 countries. Non partisan - just real life people, going through war. FYI - this ties into the book of these collected stories, "Muse of War," but you don't need to have read the book to get it.

Never opened, asking 1 DVD credit. Thanks.