Help Center - If you can't find a member in the Directory....

Search Terms:

Members must have made a SwapaDVD Profile to be listed in the Member Directory.

  • Once a member is listed in the Directory, the only "unique identifiers" are his or her SwapaDVD User Email address (which is not listed on the site; you would have to obtain this from the member) and his or her SwapaDVD Nickname.
  • A search for SwapaDVD Nickname is the most effective/accurate way to find a member in the Member Directory.

If you are trying to send a PM to a member, or add him or her to your Buddy List, you can do both of these things from the member's DVD Tower, or the transaction you are conducting with him or her, or from a Forum post, or from a Personal Message.


Related items:


How do I contact another member?
How do I add someone to my Buddy List?
How do I choose a SwapaDVD nickname/make a public profile?