Miramax - get your facts straight!
Chad Fleming | Decatur, GA | 03/02/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"All three of these volumes claim to contain versions of their respective movies that are "Enhanced for 16x9 televisions" yet upon closer examination, each of the volumes contains at least one (and in the case of Volume III, TWO) movies that are in the same crappy matted widescreen format that Miramax has been pushing for the last several years. The culprit in the this volume is Life is Beautiful. I have nothing against widescreen - just let the DVD player insert the matting and use the full resolution of the DVD for useful picture information. I suspect these box sets are a way for Miramax to dump the older (non anamorphic widescreen) versions of these movies on unsuspecting 4x3 t.v. owners - chances are they'll never know the difference until they try to watch them on a newer 16x9 t.v. - at which time it will be too late to return them."
Florian | Montreal, Qc | 10/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know what the latter reviewer's problem is, although truely anamorphic widescreen would be great, the only version sold of Life is Beautiful is this one, so deal with it, it doesn't take away the fact that it is an amazing movie, when I saw it, my heart lifted, I felt good, extremely good, the cast esp. Roberto Benigni who gives a triumphant and hysterical role to a difficult part to play on a touchy subject is incredible. A flawless movie in every way. Chicago goes without saying, you know, it's great, 10 academy awards, if you haven't already seen it then you should deffinetley get this set. Finally Frida is also a truely remarkable film, in exploring the life of Frida Kahlo portrayed by Salma Hayek who does a great job. Of course these dvds aren't perfect what dvds are? But take it from me, at this price this collector's set is deffinetely worth it. Building a collection, or love good movies, and classics, than this set and the other II and III are for you. I am glad Miramax did this."