Be careful
Dr. Mohamed Kasker | South Africa | 02/19/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Snuff bottle connection , aka Secret Rivals 3 in South Africa was always one of my favourite karate movies of the late 70's.However the DVD transfer does no justice to this movie.Who ever did the transfer to DVD needs to see an optician as almost half the movie is out of frame and this really spoils everything.Well if you prepared to watch it like that,I feel the company should drop the price to about $4.99 maximum.Do yourself a favour buy Invincible Armour instead.A classic in its true form."
Cast from instant kung fu man is back in a much more real ty
morgoth | omaha, NE | 04/27/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Now doctor something down there commented that it is a good movie but you don't want to get this version. I have to back him up. Pans and scans are always pretty bad, but htis one managaes to zoom in even closer. Hwang looks pretty bad ass in this one, looks better than instant kung fu man at least. And mang fie's brother, the guy who played dual roles in instant KFM is back and I can't figure out why he is in these movies. He is a decent actor, certainly not up ther with his brother, but his fu is also worse than his bro. This is unexceptable. It slows the movie down, casue whenever he fights, they have to do the close up flip shot over and over again. But liu is looking good. And hwang doesn't look quite as bad as that guy says. His iron fan technique is very good, though not original and not the best you are gonna see, btu still an enjoyable final fight.
The gweilos are the ones that gave it the 3rd star for me. They are not great at screen fighting at all and one of them has a bad wig and just looks unbelievably stupid. But it is fun to watch them fight in this movie presented by ng-see yuen. There are 3 of them and 2 really get to fight, one just throws people around, and the other does karate kicks that go flying past guys faces and yet the whip crack sounds. I really enjoyed all their fight scenes. But more than that they brought out the snake hawk style and that was very nice to see. It was performed supremely by Hsu Hsia.
Now the dubbing is particulary bad for the russians!!!!!!! But with a little heroic acrobatic kid, Hwang lee, and John liu, I would prbably bump my scoer up to a 4 if the dvd presentation wasn't so bad.
And I almost forgot that there ARE SCENES OBVIOUSLY LEFT OUT. This is unnacceptable, I guess thta you just have to hope that groundzero is recording form the uncut vhs. So a 2.5, but I give it a 3 for creativity.
Great cast; OK fu
Michael W. Jaworski | Fairfield, NJ USA | 05/11/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I used to own the VHS of this. I thought to myself this movie has to be great, right? It stars two of the best bootmen in the business, John Liu & Huang Cheng-li. Roy Horan a.k.a. Louis Sit from "Tower of Death" & "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" is in it. Even the King of Sticks Hsu Hsia is in it. The plot's workable and all, but the fu is what counts, and it was only OK. There were a couple of decent fights here and there, especially between Liu & Hsu, but with talent of this caliber it should have been better. What a letdown the grand finale was between Liu & Huang, especially after seeing these two battle it out in the classic "Secret Rivals 2" & "Invincible Armor". I couldn't put my finger on it but it seemed as if John Liu was "carrying" Huang during the fight. This was definitely NOT one of Huang's shining moments, including that totally unconvincing stuntman (it was so obvious) doubling for Huang during the end. Maybe Huang Cheng-li was burnt out or something. I can't review the DVD because I haven't seen it, but I can review the movie. The bottom line is, for what it's worth, I sold my VHS on e-bay and re-watched "Invincible Armor"."