Creative and Challenging Blend Of Yoga and Pilates
Yoga Dad | 10/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I literally just walked off my mat from doing this program and wanted to give my freshest impression of it.
I've been doing Yoga daily for about 10 years and I added Pilates to my daily routine a little over a year ago. The combination is incredible (I also weight train intensely twice a week).
I've also got well over 100 Yoga and Pilates programs so I'm very familiar with much of what is out there.
I've liked some of the crunch programs I've done in the past and I also enjoy doing fusions of Pilates and Yoga (I have programs like Yogilates and several of the New Method programs). I thought this one looked very interesting so I picked it up when I saw it.
To start with, Ellen Barrett really impressed me as a teacher. She gives clear yet concise instruction and keeps the flow moving throughout the program. I found her to be motivating without being too peppy (I can't stand overly peppy and cheerleader like instructors).
The program is really cool, it starts with flowing yoga sequences where she takes several Yoga poses and links them together into a flow. This creates a lot of heat in the body and allows you to warm up and move deeper into the poses as you go through the sequences. I always like to start by playing my first edge in any Yoga pose and then move deeper into it gradually. With these sequences I liked the fact that I could do this same sort of deepening but with each sequence as a whole so by the time I was into the final sequence I was really deeply into the poses.
The entire program is done using this effective sequencing in both the Yoga and the Pilates inspired sections. I say Pilates inspired because while she uses Pilates exercises this is not traditional Pilates. For me that's a good thing because I already have many programs that follow the more "classic" sequence so having programs that use the Pilates techniques in creative ways is something I find really helpful. This is great on two counts; first because it keeps things interesting from a mental standpoint, and second because your body doesn't adapt to a limited range of exercises (and overtrain those areas).
This program was almost exactly 40 minutes long and is broken down into four sections on the menu (two Yoga sections and two Pilates sections). You can also input the exact location if you need to (by inputing for ex: 1:05 for one minute and 5 seconds etc.),
So, if you are looking for a flowing combination of Yoga and Pilates that will challenge your body in ways different than other programs I highly recommend this one. Also, for people who might love a flowing approach to yoga but aren't into doing Sun Salutes (I must admit that I personally like Sun Salutes but I also like variations in my practice as well), this program will probably be ideal for you. It's not an over the top, butt kicking type program that will leave you exhausted, but it's certainly challenging in what I'd consider an intermediate sense.I'm in really good condition and I still broke a bit of a sweat doing this.
Also this program has a designated modifier who you can follow throughout the program until you are able to build up to doing the full expression of the exercises."
Good, tough workout :-)
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 03/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is another great workout from Crunch and Ellen Barrett. She's great in all the workouts of hers I have. She cues very well and this is no exception. This starts with standing yoga and moves onto floor/mat Pilates. The Pilates section is a little longer, and it includes mix of Pilates classics and weight-room-inspired toning routines. This is a good and effective mix of Pilates and Yoga. I really love this; it's relaxing and easy to incorporate into your other workouts about 4 times a week. All up, it's about 40 minutes."
Cario paced pilates w/stretching emphasis & some yoga poses
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 07/27/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ellen is very upbeat but calm, great presence, she won't bore you & not a fake/chatty instructor. It's set in the usual Crunch stage w/7 other women, one doing the modifications.
Warm Up: is some breathing w/raised arms, tiny back bends & small amount of squats.
Standing yoga: warrior 2 a lot, side angle, slight back bend on that leg placement, breath w/hands & squat & then repeat on other side. Do this 4x on each side. To rest is breathing w/raised arms & down to squats, then small spinal rolls from standing to squats.
Standing Yoga 2: Triangle, warrior 2, warrior 1 & repeat 3x more on that same side. The zig zag is simple arm reach up & down for rest & stretch, very easy/cute. The triangle, warrior 2, warrior 1 on other side 4x & zig zag again. Plank w/knee to chest several times, downward facing dog & child's pose to rest.
All fours Mat work 1: Child's pose to kneeling position w/arms always raised is called "willow" & done a few times. Next is dolphin which is plank on your elbows. Do those 2 exercises 3x more. Next is table yoga on hands/knees & balance on 1 hand & knee w/flexing the raised limbs slightly up.
All fours Mat work 2: Do locust (on stomach raise legs), next is only raise the torso a few times. Then from lying on stomach, go to child's pose back/forth for a spinal loosener & arm toning several times. Locust again with legs moving in scissor then the lying on stomach/child's pose again a few times, repeat 3x. Lying on stomach, leg circles & child's pose.
Side Laying Mat work: Side lying double leg lifts, side lying ballerina leg lifts, pilates torso side stretch on knee & leg, lying back on elbows, knees to side back/forth & then having a single straight leg same thing several times, do all that now on other side including the lying back on elbows one & rest in Indian style modified butterfly.
Abs Mat work: sitting w/knees near chest, roll downs (modified teasers) then to full pilates teasers, then tiny roll downs w/arm squeezes to strengthen rhomboids, next is classic lying down pilates version of bicycle, then side lying oblique crunches, then ab crunches with legs raised & doing scissors.
Calming Cool down: sitting indian style, ballerina arms to stretch out the upper torso, upper back & arms, neck stretches & ends with more ballerina arms.
At first I found the music too fast & the yoga too aerobicized, too repetitive w/no attention to the breath. When she got to the mat work, the music changed to a little slower & since there was a lot of stretching in between, it felt more refreshing. I did feel stretched out a bit nicely & the work level of this is good for beginners or as a light day for those who workout at least semi regularly.
The music is from Daveed, so it is real music which helped my mood & enjoyment of this. Ellen seems to have some body awareness which is great to see & seems to go for an audience that gets bored easily w/slower workouts, but she does lose attention to correct form & when to breathe.
If you're a yoga or pilates enthusiast, you may be insulted by the lack of attention to form as well as not challenged, others may love this.
Video clips at collagevideo com & totalfitnessdvds com"
Bottom line
bluecanary | San Francisco, CA | 08/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've been doing this dvd every day for a week and a half. Seriously, I can already see results. My husband mentioned last night that he can see the results as well. My thighs are much more defined and my stomach (the bane of my existence) is flatter. After just a week and a half.
I hate exercise, but seeing results this quickly keeps me motivated. I actually look forward to this dvd. I even get up at six a.m. to do this dvd before work and if you knew my night owl, cranky morning self, you would know that is a serious testament to how great this dvd is.
I have ordered Ellen Barrett's other pilates/crunch dvds. She's not annoyingly perky. Her assistants look like normal people."