Great, Fun, Classic Horror Fun
Logan | Crystal Lake, USA | 02/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first watched this movie back when it was new, and had a blast. This is what happens when a film purposely doesn't take itself too seriously, and it shows in the end result of these fun, (and in the case of Goldilocks), outright goofy takes on classic bedtime stories with a horiffic twist. The other reviewiers obviously did not experience true 80's horror i.e. Sleepaway Camp, My Bloody Valentine, April Fools Day, and Motel Hell to name a few. Horror today is way too self-absorbed, over-analyzed, and the movies are mostly made to please a demographic that really don't appreciate what makes a good popcorn night. A couple exceptions would be Slither and Feast which give an obvious nod to the 80's style and are indeed a treat. I have spent 20+ years collecting and studying the horror genre, and believe me, Deadtime Stories is ten dollars well-spent."
Just a fun flick!
Monty Moonlight | TX | 07/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"When a babysitting uncle is asked thrice to tell bedtime stories to get his nephew to go to sleep, he concocts three weird yarns that must be seen to be believed. The first is an ancient tale about a young man owned by two sister witches working to awaken a long dead third. The second tale is a modern day Red Riding Hood story about a sexy young jogger who is pursued by a werewolf with good intentions but no self control. Last, we have a goofy dark-comedy inspired by Goldilocks and the Three Bears, only in this story the three bears are a family of escaped, homicidal mental patients and Goldilocks is a cute but murderous girl with psychic powers.
If that synopsis sounds interesting to you, then that's a good start. You may want to look into this movie. Here's what you have to know. This is a low-budget horror film from 1986, and the DVD case doesn't represent the movie at all really. Bottom line, this is a fun horror-anthology movie. Not one that is going to really scare you or creep you out very much even (depending on your creepometer), but it's great for a night of wacky horror movie watching. It's lots of fun, that's all. It's no masterpiece. It's presented in fullscreen, and I have no idea what is up with that. The case says it is presented in its original aspect ratio, 1.33:1, but Internet Movie Database gives the O.A.R. as 1.85:1, and, I'm thinking IMDB is probably the more trustworthy source here since the DVD doesn't even give us the full credits, ha. Seriously, the film cuts off shortly after the credits start. I thought it might be my unreliable bedroom DVD player, but I've read the same complaint from other folks, so... Besides that, the presentation quality is pretty weak. I mean, it looks the same as the VHS I originally saw of this film years ago. Still, I got this REALLY cheap, so I'm not really complaining, even if there are no extras. Like I said, I find it to be a very fun film. Oh, yeah, and Mallory's boyfriend on "Family Ties", Scott Valentine, is the young man in the first story, for those who wanted to know. I know a lot of people have sought this film out for that reason alone. Myself, I just have a thing for Red Riding Hood stories, though Goldi Lox's shower scene turned out to be even nicer.