Lot of good info
Steve B. | Los Angeles, CA USA | 03/06/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is DVD is a great view of three days of intense training with Charles Glass at Gold's gym in Venice. Great seeing how Charles has Dennis use gear to get more out of it than it was designed for. Makes me wish Charles would do a DVD on his training methods.
I don't like the production of the DVD itself. First, no indexes on the workouts. The workouts are filmed based on body parts, but DVD index is only "Training" so you have click around to find what you want. Would of been great if you could click directly to lets say the arm or quad workout. Second thing is the music loops get old real fast found myself hitting the mute button to kill the soundtrack. The bonus video was fun and interviews with Dennis at the Firehouse were okay, but all the ambient noise in background was distracting. So DVD is some really great info, but some of the production gets in the way of being a 5 star DVD."