Power to the People!
BeatleBangs1964 | United States | 11/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono were guests on the Dick Cavett show three times in 1971. Their first apearance was taped on Saturday, September 11, 1971 and was John's first interview after the Beatles had disbanded. The subsequent interviews were taped on Friday, September 24, 1971 and Thursday, May 11, 1972.
Viewers, Beatle fans and their counterparts will undoubtedly enjoy the natural conversational flow among Dick Cavett and his guests. John appeared to be in his element, happily chatting with the famous talk show host. It was a good thing John rightfully defends Yoko during this interview and makes it quite plain that she did not break up the Beatles. She has been wrongfully blamed for something that was bound to happen naturally - after all, the individuals who made up the Beatles needed to move individually; grow; develop their own individual styles. The group could not last forever.
Cavett gives John and Yoko equal time. He listens to them attentively; takes them seriously and at no time criticizes anybody or speculates about anybody. It is very easy to forget the interviews are taking place before a studio audience as viewers are easily lulled into the flow of the conversation.
Yoko is very animated during this first interview. She smokes; chats easily with her host about her undergraduate days at Sarah Lawrence and shows a film she made. John and Cavett are actually funny, sharing some humorous observations about clothing and coiffure.
Be sure to get this dvd collection. It is funny; interesting; serious; thought provoking and memorable. This is something for everybody and not just Beatle fans, Yokophiles and Lennonophiles. The bonus dvd will certainly bring many smiles to many faces."
Up Close and Personal With John & Yoko
Dorrie Wheeler | 11/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Dick Cavett Show-John & Yoko Collection is now available. The two dvd set includes John & Yoko's three appearances on Cavett's show. The first episode, taped September 11th, 1971 was John's first U.S. televised post-Beatles interview.
Fans of Lennon and Cavett will treasure these intimate conversations. The Lennon's are so comfortable with Cavett that you almost forget the show is being taped in front of an audience. Yoko Ono has been villanized a lot in the history of The Beatles. In this interview John declares that Yoko was not the cause of The Beatles break-up. "How can one woman break up The Beatles?" he offers. Yoko smokes a lot during the first episode, this is interesting to see because now a days people don't sit down and just light up while they are on a talk show. People curious about Yoko get to learn a lot about her as she is given adequate attention during the interview. She talks with Cavett about attending Sarah Lawrence and near the end of the first episode she shares a short film that she created. John and Cavett share in word play during the 9/11 episode and talk about a variety of subjects including hair styles.
The Dick Cavett Show-John & Yoko Collection features their three appearances that aired on-9/11/71, 9/24/1971 and 5/11/1972. Each episode features a brand new introduction by Cavett himself (who looks great), and all of the musical performances. The two disc set also includes a bonus featurette titled Cavett And The Lennons.
Geniune, sincere, real
Chauncey Gardener | Humboldt | 03/22/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This interview with Dick Cavett is one of the best of Lennon and Yoko. They are unguarded, totally intelligent, quick, and positively wise in their analysis of rock, their lives, and world events. This interview shows them completely as they were: straight-shooters with very little bull. You can see how John and Yoko are so together with each other and how Yoko is so much better, intelligent, and caring than her frequent portrayal as a controller and puppeteer of John. A must for any Lennon and Yoko fan."
Joseph P. Hart | Los Angeles, CA | 11/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's here! Finally! John Lennon and Yoko Ono's multi-show appearance on the old Dick Cavett Show is remarkable in that this was a time when a "talk show" was just that -- people sat and talked about stuff. If Lennon and Ono went on TV today, they'd end up being interrupted by that toad Larry King every time they opened their mouths. No one does a talk show like this anymore.
This DVD is AWESOME, and it's just one of many new Beatles-related items released just in time for Xmas! Also check out the books JOHN by Cynthia Lennon and TURN ME ON DEAD MAN by Andru Reeve -- both are long-awaited and magnificent additions to your Beatles reading library. There are also a bunch of great new CDs out there, including fresh wonderful material from Ringo Starr ("CHOOSE LOVE") and Paul McCartney ("CHAOS AND CREATION IN THE BACKYARD"). Buy them all for the Beatlemaniac in your family!"