Comedic Genius
A. Pearson | West Coast | 04/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ellen Degeneres has her comedic, "rambling" approach down to an art form. Well, maybe I am over-shooting a bit...not an art form like maybe what Michelangelo, Picasso, Monet, or Fabio would do. I guess some would consider her stand-up to be comparable to the beautifully crafted, timeless paintings we see in the Sistine Chapel, but most of those comparisons are brought about by vodka or sharp blows to the head, so we should just ignore those.
But, it could be compared to the works of other well respected artists likie...Vanilla Ice or an origami person (would that be an origamist or maybe an origaminator? I have no idea). Professional orgigami, though...not that stupid stuff they teach kids in school to get them to be creative using little colored squares on paper. That's easy to do. Nobody would consider that to be "real" art.
I shouldn't say it's stupid, kids do have to learn. Like my cousin's daughter, Kaitlin, who needs to learn to use the "big people's" potty instead of those diapers. She's just a lovely girl, but you'd think at 13, she'd have learned by now. I guess we should over-look it, though, considering the "accident". Some people say it was my fault, but that's just silly because I was acquitted at trial and my lawyer says I have nothing to worry about anymore. He said just to ignore the death threats and the crank calls.
Anyway, Ellen has rambling down to an art and this DVD is some of the best material she's ever brought forth. I just love the way she has perfect timing and her comedy doesn't have to be all vulgar and controversial like a lot of comedians, or like what my brother tries to do when he gets drunk and wears that funny hat and goes to karaoke. It's always fun when he does that until they call the police, because it's not really a karaoke's Wal-Mart and they have told him over and over and over to stay away, but even with that restraining order, he just comes right back.
Kind of reminds me of when we were kids and my dad would drive him far, far away and then leave him. Somehow he always found his way home. I have no idea how he untied himself or got out of that trunk, but he did it! My dad was such a kidder that way. He was always playing funny jokes on us, like that time he tried to get me to eat the "funny candy". Yeah, right, dad! Like I'm going to fall for that one. I knew right away it was a urinal cake because of the funny smell and the way it just magically appeared after he came out of the public bathroom at the mall.
He did fool me with the fake Kool-Aid, though. It was anti-freeze, but I just guzzled it right down. Oh, don't worry, I was fine...and those doctors in ICU were the best! Besides, kids are'd be surprised how fast a 5-year-old can recover from something like that. Yeah, I miss my dad, God rest his soul. He's not dead, but my mom is always saying that if he ever comes back to her door step, she'll kill him, so there you go.
What was I saying? Oh, right! Ellen. This is one of my favorite DVDs. Ellen is my favorite comedian and I also love her old sitcom on DVD."
William | La | 12/31/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ellen Degeneres comes back to what she is BEST at!! This Stand-up DVD, is HIlrious!! Degeneres talks about why they still put 1-800 numbers on the back of shampoo bottles, and many other stuff!! You should BUY this,and once you do you won't regret that you did!!"