One of the most important documentries you could watch
A. Curran | USA | 07/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before I watched this documentry I never heard about 'Peak Oil' and it's implications for our future. I had bought into the common perception that most of us have that oil is resource that possibly may run out sometime in the future but long after my lifetime and my children's lifetime, and that before it does start running out some magical breakthrough will be made in alternative energy sources such as hydrogen fuel cells in time to save the day for our modern lifestyles. But this documentry shook the foundations of my perceptions. I was shocked by the reality that oil is a limited resource that will probably start running low within our lifetimes and also by the extent that our modern lifestyles depends on it. And what is almost more more disturbing is that I had to learn about it for the first time from this documentry - why is information of this importance and magnitude not in the headlines of our media? This is important information that everyone who is a consumer of oil/energy needs to know (that's most of us in this world with maybe the exception of a few of the remaining primitive tribes left in the world these days). For your own sake and the sake of your children you need to watch this documentry, you need to get all your friends to watch it. Only when the majority of us are aware of of this grave problem facing mankind will there be any chance of taking action to save us form the doom that this documentry predicts is in store for us. This is a gripping documentry that will change the way you think about the world we live in today."
The end of the world as we know it?
Lleu Christopher | Hudson Valley, NY | 09/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary raises a possibility with truly staggering implications --that the lifestyle Americans and other wealthy industrial nations have come to take for granted will soon come to an abrupt halt. The basic premise of the film is based on the theory that we have reached --or possibly passed-- the stage of "peak oil." That is, no matter how efficient we are or how many oil-rich nations we invade, there is simply not going to be enough oil in the near future to keep up with the ever-increasing demand. This, combined with an impending shortage of natural gas, which is required for electricity, means that some drastic and painful changes may soon be forced upon millions of people.
The End of Suburbia is definitely a film with a message. There is no attempt to present an opposing point of view here. I suppose interviewing an oil company spokesperson with a dissident opinion would not have added much value. There are, I believe, nonpartisan experts who do not agree with the peak oil theory, but interested viewers can do their own research, which is always a good idea. The film could be criticized for its mainly pessimistic slant, but this can hardly be avoided considering the topic! They do present some possible alternatives towards the end, such as the new urbanism movement, which seeks to create more livable cities in place of sprawl.
The experts interviewed in The End of Suburbia, such as Mike Ruppert and Jim Kunstler are articulate and convincing. Ruppert has a very informative web site where he gives updates on this and other important issues. The film handles its subject in an entertaining way, giving the history of American suburbia from the post-World War ll era to the present. The fact is, America has invested in and subsidized this automobile-centered way of life to the exclusion of all alternatives. The cost of this is something we may only be starting to realize. Ironically, I saw this film a week after gas in the U.S. went above $3/gallon, which would have been unthinkable a short time ago. This may be only the beginning.
The modern suburban landscape is, after all, fairly bizarre if we think about it and stop taking it for granted. Millions of people drive long distances every day, going from cardboard-cutout homes to office cubicles, Walmarts and gargantuan shopping centers. As The End of Suburbia points out, the suburb is an entirely artificial environment, neither city nor country and combining the worst of each. It is, perhaps, a good thing in the long run that its reign is most likely about to end."
Life-Changing Eye-Opener
Paul R. Edwards | Frazier Park, CA | 03/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Life-Changing Eye-Opener, March 18, 2008 By Sarah Anne Edwards"
I am amazed there are so few reviews of this DVD. It was the feature at a conference I attended three years ago and watching it was an eye-opening, life-changing event. Yes, we knew about the drawbacks of sprawl and its effects on the environment. Yada, yada. What we didn't know about was that our entire "non-negotiable" American way of life is perched on, if not already tipping over, the edge of collapse in the not so distant future as a result of world-wide fossil fuel depletion, among other things. The implications of this well-documented DVD affect nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Every American needs to see this. Few if any will like it. Many will discount it. But hopefully most of us will wake-up and realize that we need to get real busy, real fast safeguarding our own personal circumstances and electing officials at all levels of government who recognize the impending crises we face and have the courage to take needed action to address it. Granted the DVD goes on a bit long on the same points and verges occasionally into unnecessary political commentary. But what is being laid out here bears repeating and is not a political issue. It is a survival issue. Over the past 3 years my husband and I have made many decisions about our careers, finances, lifestyle choices, and every one has been influenced by what we learned from watching this documentary. If only we'd seen it a couple of years earlier we wouldn't be trying to compensate now for decisions we made before we knew what was at stake."
Peak Oil - A Turning Point for Mankind...
Michael A. Quinn | Austin, Texas, USA | 04/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A well done DVD that includes interviews of many of the leading experts on the issue of peak oil. Once oil demand exceeds supply (which is very close to happening), we will be living in a very different world. The peak in oil discoveries occurred in 1962. We are now using some 84 million barrels of oil per day...
Cheap oil is essential to the growth of the American economy. If the US doesn't grow 2% per year, it will no longer be able to service its debt...
From plastic, to agriculture, to heating, to transportation, to the medical industry, we live in an oil soaked world...
If you are new to this issue, goooogle "peak oil" and be prepared to be shocked.
Showing this video to your friends and family is probably the best way to convince them of the coming emergency..."
F. Sweet | Midwestern USA | 06/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"President George W. Bush recently scolded Americans for being "addicted to oil." But most American citizens no longer believe that Bush invaded Iraq because of its weapons of mass destruction, or that he toppled Saddam Hussein's regime because he was linked to the 9/11 and other Islamic terrorists or to free the Iraqis to vote in democratic elections. In a word, the war is about oil. Now comes the documentary movie The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream. The movie's title alone can seem to justify Bush's Iraq misadventure. But it doesn't.
Let me digress. In 1951, while attending the sixth grade at P.S. 166 in Astoria, Long Island City, Queens, our science teacher taught us how coal and petroleum had been produced from prehistoric plants and animals far beneath the earth's surface under high pressure during millions of years. She darkly pointed out that because the natural process of producing coal and petroleum can happen on earth only once, whatever is underground must last us forever. When asked how long the oil would last, she replied, "Another 75 to 100 years." Coal will last a few years longer.
At the time, 75 to 100 years seemed impossibly far into the distant future. But according to the new documentary movie directed by Gregory Greene, my P.S. 166 teacher's estimate may have been optimistic by nearly a factor of two. With six billion plus people now on earth burning fossil fuels at increasing rates, we've already passed the World Oil Peak -- the maximum possible rate of refining crude petroleum world wide no matter what. Now comes the inevitable decline of fossil fuels as argued by scientists and policy makers in the movie.
The often humorous documentary tends to avoid the heavy doom and gloom of the World Oil Peak theorists, but it sometimes touches on the darker aspects of fossil fuel depletion: specifically, how it impacts on food production. Modern industrial agriculture relies heavily on petroleum for pesticides and natural gas for fertilizer, and also for the energy used in planting, growing, harvesting, irrigating, packaging, processing, and transporting the food. The movie fleetingly visits the energy-intensive process involved in bringing food to supermarkets.
Astoria was in crowded New York City. The suburbs were mythical places far out on Long Island or similarly far north of Manhattan in places with names like Yonkers and Hastings-on-Hudson. But in 1951 it was promised that if we studied hard and worked hard, we could one day get a good job and even buy a house in those mythical places. The official American Dream had become a life in the suburbs, but you needed your own gas-guzzling car to get there, to get around there, and to get back.
Ever since World War II ended, Americans have poured lots of their increasing wealth into suburbia. The 'burbs promised a lot more space than urban living; they were believed to be best places for raising kids and for family life in general -- plus they offered a better chance than cities for upward social and financial mobility. But as suburban sprawl has exploded during the past 50 years, the suburban lifestyle has become embedded in the American consciousness. The "soccer mom" is a suburbia invention and now part of American popular culture. By contrast, I used to play "unsupervised" stickball with my urban friends in a public park down by the East River. We never worried about an overambitious parent harassing us for striking out. There were only us kids and the beat cop munching on his donut.
Those familiar with World Oil Peak theories and fossil fuel depletion will encounter the usual enfants terribles in this movie. They include Richard Heinberg, Michael Klare, Matthew Simmons, Michael C. Ruppert, Julian Darley, Dr. Colin Campbell, and Kenneth Deffeyes, plus a few others. They each provide valuable information and insights about the coming/present energy crisis and the impact it will be/is having on the lives of people in North America.
The End of Suburbia tells us, the suburban way of life is now considered "normal." It also shows the enormous effort needed to maintain this lifestyle. But Kunstler tells us that the suburbs will become "the slums of the future." Nevertheless, national foreign policies must continue to aggressively nail down access to the remaining reserves of oil on earth for propping up and maintaining this energy intensive lifestyle. Then the movie clearly emphasizes that suburban living has very poor prospects for the future. All attempts to maintain it will be futile.
Clearly, George W. Bush and his accomplices are prepared to fight bloody wars for control of the world's remaining oil reserves to prop up and maintain the suburban lifestyle. The war in Iraq is obvious evidence of that. Not surprisingly, 60 percent of the world's known reserves are clustered around the Persian Gulf. And Bush and his cohorts are socio-pathologically prepared to decimate the North Slope of Alaska -- our future generations be damned -- for what amounts to a drop in the bucket of the worldwide oil reserves.
Commenting on suburbia, author Richard Heinberg says in the movie, "It's in everybody's interest to maintain the façade that this way of life is normal . . . and we should continue buying and consuming like there is no tomorrow." The issue of energy resource depletion is being ignored by the mainstream media because, as Heinberg puts it, "there's no upside for them. If they decide to tell the people of North America that in fact we are running out of the very resources that fuel economic growth, does that make anybody's stock price go up, except for a few tiny niche companies that make solar panels and wind turbines?"
Basically, director Greene asks this in the movie: As energy prices continue to skyrocket, how will the populations in suburbia react to the collapse of their dreams? Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of tomorrow, as Kunstler and his cohorts predict? What can be done now by individuals and the government to avoid The End of Suburbia?
Fortunately, the movie does not depress us as it delivers its bad news. Greene's presentation style, with moments of comic relief based on presenting absurd views (all too prevalent in Washington these days), lightens what otherwise could have been a depressing, preachy movie. But this sugarcoated bitter pill is very entertaining, and thus it slips its dire predictions into our psyches before we know it. When the movie ends, we feel well entertained and, frankly, very good about the movie -- but we shouldn't. "