Gunsmoke Complete DVD Collectio
Joe D. Currie | 10/27/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought The Gunsmoke Complete DVD Collection off of I later found out that was not an Amozon product but came from a company called TVDVDMania. First of all it toolk forever to receive the collection which is like 105 DVD's as it is supposed to consists of all episodes of Gunsmoke over 20 years. Well I finally received them (from China) and as I started watching them I started having problems from DVD's being unreadable to having only one episode on a DVD to DVD's not containg the Menu of episodes.I notified the company that all of the cases was damaged in shipping except one and that I had a problem with one of the DVD's.
This was after only watching a couple. Their response was that I would have to pay shipping and handling for every DVD that was bad.My response was that it would take over a year to watch al of the DVD's if I watched 2 hours everyday to see how many were bad and it would cost me many times what I orginally paid for the set to pay shipping from China with the volume of Bad DVD's that I was now Seeing. I have now watched 20 of the DVD's and over half of them has problems and there are at least 40-50 episodes missing and TVDVDMania will not respond to any of my emails.
This company is a nightmare to deal with. If you see their name run the other way.
I can not beleive Amazon has alligned itself with a company of this stature.