A nice show with a great set of DVD extras
D.P. | California | 12/16/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Basically this event was the alternative of the WWE's "ECW: One Night Stand" event. The only thing that sucks is that they weren't allowed to actually say ECW, use any of the copywrites owned by WWE, or use wrestlers under a WWE contract. Because of that, alot of editing (the DVD goes mute whenever an "ECW" chant happens) & re-dubbing (they had to either remove or use TNA theme music for the wrestlers & Joey Styles had to redo the commentary alone when he had Cyrus with him during the event itself) had to happen that kinda of hurt the event but the second disc full of extras, the use of current TNA stars & those who chose this show over the WWE show (like Johnny Grunge, 2 Cold Scorpio, Tammy aka "Sunny", ect.) will heavily make up for it. They also use footage from the "Forever Hardcore" documentry as a backstory/highlight video for each match/event of the night. Disc one had the actual event while disc two was full of DVD extras.
Opening - They had Todd Gordon acknowledge the crowd followed by Joey Styles, Cyrus, and Joel Gertner doing their usually opening promo full of dirty sex jokes & the Gertner/Cyrus catfight.
Chris Chetti/Mikey Whipwreck vs. C.W. Anderson/Simon Diamond - Decent opening match. Nothing much to really mention here.
Blue Meanie vs. Tracy Smothers w/J.T. Smith (F.B.I.) - Basically a comedy match between the two including a rematch from their "dance off."
Fallen Heroes of Hardcore Trible - A nice tribute by Johnny Grunge (Public Enemy), Gary Wolfe (Pitbulls), Tammy Synch (Chris Candido) with some interfearence from Danny Doring, Roadkill, and 911.
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Kid Kash - Kash played off his TNA "heel" persona here in a nice match. Good to see Scorpio after all these years.
New Jack/Kronus vs. Ian & Axl Rotten (Bad Breed) - This wasn't even a match, just a big hardcore brawl that involved Kronus getting beat down until New Jack came in. The dive spot was obiviously planned since they moved a staffold towards the ring during the match. New Jack did one of his promos at the end.
Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible w/Jason - Jerry Lynn's first match back from his shoulder injury. Great back & forth pure wrestling match.
Sandman vs. Raven w/Blue Meanie & The Musketter - First of all, those people who complained about Sandman's entrance music being dubbed over on the One Night Stand DVD, it's done on here too & replaced by footage of Sandman talking about the significance of his entrance from the "Forever Hardcore" documentry. There's a couple of comedy spots involing Meanie & Musketter at the beginning before the match actually starts. It's match is short but had run-in's by Don E. Allen & Mickey Whipwreck who did a good impression of Stone Cold Steve Austin (watch & you'll see what I'm talking about.)
Terry Funk w/Tammy Synch vs. Shane Douglas w/Francine vs. Sabu w/Bill Alfonzo - The ring ropes were replaced with barb wire in this rematch from the original 3 day dance. This was a great match that saw a suprize appearence from Mick Foley (who got booed when he brought out Mr. Socko). This was just an overall great match & a great way to end the show.
The second disc was full of behind the scenes events like a hidden New Jack promo with a fan outside the building, a tour of the former ECW area, Axl Rotten with the fans outside, Shane Douglas & Francine meeting for the first time in years, and watching the fans enter the area as the doors open. There was also footage of the autograph signing & the "Q&A" session after the event. There's an interview with Axl Rotten & another one with Blue Meanie who talks about the events at both ECW events from the weekend & gives his side of the story involing the assault by J.B.L. Matches from the XPW promotion (since they couldn't use any ECW footage) featuring Douglas vs. Candido with an apparence from Sabu, Douglas vs. Funk, Douglas vs. Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn vs. Juventud Guerrera & a hidden match between Axl Rotten & Kronus. There's also snippets from the "Forever Hardcore" documentry with the wrestlers talking about things revoling around Hardcore Homecoming (ECW area, their matches, the fans, their history) along with a hidden clip of Joey Styles telling a story about an incident involing his wife, Dawn Marie, Electra and their boobs. Commercials & video clips from the website round out this DVD extras.
Basically, good event with a great set of extras. I would recommend for any ECW fan."
3 and a half stars because of editing.....
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 11/12/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hardcore Homcoming took place on June 10, 2005, where a lot of top names such as; Sandman, Raven, New Jack, Sabu, Justin Credible, Terry Funk, and Jerry Lynn came together along with others for one night of Hardcore action at its finest.
The only problem is that the editing really brings down the atmosphere as every single ECW chant is blocked out. Other than that and some medicore matches, there are some treasures in here that are worth it.
Chris Chetti, Mikey Whipwreck vs. Simon Diamond, CW Anderson:
Okay match with Mikey Whipwreck getting a lot of cheers from the crowd. Some nice chain wrestling and Chris Chetti, who hadn't wrestled in a while, shows no ring rust at all. Mikey Whipwreck and Chris Chetti win. 7.5/10
Blue Meanie vs. Tracy Smothers:
More of a comedy match than an actual match. Tracy Smothers and JT Smith continue to complain about illegal holds that didn't happen. Tracy challenges Blue Meanie to a dance contest before attacking him from behind. The ref even got involved and gave a scoop slam to Tracy Smothers. In the end JT Smith hits Blue Meanie with a chain and Tracy gets the pin. 7/10
Two Cold Scorpio vs. Kid Kash:
Kash got in the fan's faces a lot during the match. The action spilled to the outside as both men continue to give chops and stiff kicks throughout the entire match. Scorpio hits a summersault leg drop from both the middle rope and the top rope before hitting the 450 splash for the win. 8/10
Justin Credible vs. Jerry Lynn:
One of the best of the night. Both men use chain wrestling at its finest and chairs were used throughout the entire match. One great moment was when Jerry Lynn uses a hurricanrana type move and sends Credible and himself through a table. The self proclaimed sexiest man on earth, Jason, interferes but Jerry Lynn still gets the win with the cradle piledriver. 8.5/10
Kronus and New Jack vs. Ian and Axl Rotten:
Wild, bloody brawl, with both Ian and New Jack using a knife on each others heads. Chairs, street signs, and a scaffold come into play as New Jack jumps 15 feet off the ground onto Ian through a table. No clear winner was declared, but all four men shook hands after the match. 8/10 Best moment was the jump by New Jack, no question about it.
Sandman vs. Raven:
Another hardcore war by these two men. A ladder, two tables, and even a sword was in this match as Raven's friend, the musketeer, duels the Sandman at the beginning of the match.
Highlights include the Rolling Rock by Sandman on the ladder onto Raven, and Raven caning Sandman repeatedly in the head. Mikey Whipwreck helps Sandman for a while, drinks a beer with him, and then gives him the whippersnapper for Raven to get the pin. [The only problem was that it was WAAAAY too short. 8/10
Three Way Dance
Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas vs. Sabu
Know why this was the best of the night? Instead of ring ropes they used coils of BARB WIRE!!! Sabu didn't even have a shirt on!!! All three men cut each other up and both Terry and Sabu have to be cut free from the wire as Terry gets his hand caught up and Sabu gets his neck caught up in it.
The lights go out as Douglas is on a ladder and come back on and Mick Foley is standing in the ring with a ref shirt on. Mr. Sock comes out to boos from the crowd, but turn too cheers as Mick wraps it up in barb wire. First Douglas is pinned, then Sabu gets the pin after a ladder collapses for Terry's weight as he tried to climb it. 10/10 Absolutely brutal and worth it.....
The only problem again, is the editing. However if you can mind the sudden quiet moments and the sound changing to dubb out the ECW chants, the main event, Raven/Sandman, and Lynn/Credible matches are well worth the money. The extras aren't that bad either."
Depends what you're looking for
James Moore | 09/26/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this live, and it was one of the best nights of wrestling ever. The crowd is into it, the matches were fantastic, and the atmosphere unreal. I couldn't wait to see it on DVD. But...
It doesn't hold up.
2 reasons.
1) Dubbing. They overdub ALL the music. It's noticeable most with Tracy Smothers dancing to nothing, and Sandman getting a split screen interview while walking in the crowd as everyone sings along to a song you don't hear. AND they overdub EVERY SINGLE TIME an "ECW" chant starts. AND Cyrus doesn't do commentary, though we saw him doing so live.
2) Most of the matches aren't that good. Kash vs. Scorpio wasn't bad, Sandman vs. Raven was the usual, the 3-way was unreal, but the rest was mediocre at best. So, actually, it was like a REAL ECW show!
If you're looking for a knock-down, drag out event that shows only the best of ECW, it's not happening here, ESPECIALLY with the overdubbing. But if you want a nice complement to One Night Stand, it does do that, and the main event is really, really awesome. And that takes a lot for me to say, since I hate both Terry Funk and Shane Douglas.
Extras are sparse, too, just so you know."
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 03/06/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd was alright, but not the greatest show as the box said. New Jack and Kronus VS Axel and Ian Rotten was very good, but the ending sucked. Raven VS Sandman was a joke, and I actully didnt watch the whole three way brawl. The speical features was what made this dvd. I love ECW, but this wasnt there best effort. At least they got Joey Styles to do commentery before WWE neutered him. Anther small gripe about the dvd is when you press enter on any feature on Disc 2, you have to hear the famous Style's line Oh my god! A little annoying. Watch it once at least"