Search - Heebie Jeebies on DVD

Heebie Jeebies
Heebie Jeebies
Actors: Bobbie Jo Westphal, Jeff Lee
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
R     2005     1hr 30min

Cassandra dreams the murder of her friends one by one. Desperate to save their lives, she attempts to evade the inevitable by bringing them together under one roof. She learns that fate is too powerful to be controlled.


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Movie Details

Actors: Bobbie Jo Westphal, Jeff Lee
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Sub-Genres: Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Studio: Lions Gate
Format: DVD - Color,Widescreen - Closed-captioned,Subtitled
DVD Release Date: 12/06/2005
Original Release Date: 01/01/2005
Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/2005
Release Year: 2005
Run Time: 1hr 30min
Screens: Color,Widescreen
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaDVD Credits: 1
Total Copies: 0
Members Wishing: 1
MPAA Rating: R (Restricted)
Languages: English
Subtitles: Spanish

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Movie Reviews

Could have been much better
CreepyT | Colorado, United States | 01/16/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)

"When a young girl dreams of her mother's death, and then it actually occurs, she no longer takes her dreams for granted. When she later dreams of the deaths of her former classmates, she is determined to keep her dreams from becoming a reality. Cassandra invites her friends to an abandoned house for a few days with the intention of keeping them from seeing their supposed fate. Fate, however, is not always so kind.

The premise, aside from being rather akin to that of the Final Destination films, is a somewhat intriguing one that could have been explored in great depth, as well as entertained it's viewers with some killer scares along the way. However, this film does not manage to do that. Rather than attempt to push some boundaries, Heebie Jeebies dishes out extremely predictable slasher cheese.

Furthermore, there is one dream interlude that adds absolutely nothing to the plot. In fact, I had to fast forward and then rewind the film just to make sure this sequence was indeed a part of the same film and not some factory defect with the DVD. I spent the remainder of the film trying to figure out just how this sequence was going to tie in with the rest of the plot, and it never did! Sure, it was funny and amusing, but the film would have been much better off without it.

Aside from the aforementioned completely pointless dream sequence, Heebie Jeebies was very mediocre straight-to-video horror fare. The acting and make-up were passably decent, and the effects were fairly well done for a low budget film. Had I not felt robbed of twenty minutes in the middle of the film due to an entirely random interlude, I would probably have rated this film a tad higher.

Rent this if you must, but it is certainly not worth the cost of the purchase."
Heebee jeebees
James M. Hawk | columbus, ohio United States | 07/30/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)

"this movie is not special and its not the worst film I have sver seen. the movie has the typical kids in distress. weird chick in high school want to have a reunion at a run down farm(probably that is all the movie makers could afford). holding a reunion at a barn?--you know your in trouble. your basic stupid behavior from stupid kids makes for good slicing and dicing. I have no trouble with movies like this, but this movie did not move very fast. blood and gore were more than enough with a homage to FARGO in a dream. cast very non-discript and I hope they got paid well. one nice special effect with CGI probably burst the budget(it was nice few seconds). while I can't recommend this movie, I am just going to tell you--YOU COULD DO ALOT WORSE!!. bigger budget and better pacing would have helped and I hope they learn from this, so maybe their next movie will be worth me making popcorn for."
Great writing
James M. Hawk | 01/06/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)

"Low budget , cheesy effects, amature acting and directing , but what a great script. Has some really funny scenes - the funniest is a flashback / dream that really has NOTHING to do with the rest of the movie, but it was classic ! I alomst turned this off after the first few mins, but luckily I stuck it out and it was definitly worth the price of the rental ... not sure about buying it ,but , hey maybe. Check it out --- spacemutha ---"
The antithesis of good film-making
See about me | North | 03/06/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)

"One day, I was in my local video rental place with a friend. We were of course looking for campy popcorn movies to make fun of. He told me of "Heebie Jeebies." which he promised was the best movie ever made, because it was [paradoxically] the worst movie ever made. I agreed, ingested a ton of caffeine, and painfully trudged through this "thinking man's slasher film." (Which the back of the DVD case assures with all the conviction of a used car salesman.) What I saw was the most dull, digressive horror movie ever with a predictable, telegraphed ending that literally inflicts physical pain on fans of good movies.

The premise is a bunch of kids in some cabin/slaughterhouse/haunted house/can't remember. There's a killer, of course. She eats hair. Yes, she eats hair. I guess all the "spooky masks" were taken, so they needed a gimmick. The plot is essentially some autistic girl telling her dumb friends who are all for some reason still hanging around in the house her irrelevant dreams-- All of which are examined in 20 minute dream sequences. The trick the director tried to play is that none of the dreams have anything to do with the plot, but, *gasp* someone from the final dream hits the surviving girl in a car. But as I said earlier, it was telegraphed to the point it was predictable as a "like that one time..." sequence in a Family Guy episode.

There are no positive points to this film. It's so bad, it logically shouldn't exist. It should collapse in on itself, and be sucked into a singularity of sophomoric crap. Even the gore is pathetic. There's this one scene involving a massive meat grinder. But Heebie Jeebies, always quick to smash my dreams, made the meat grinder spit out a thin stream of mud or chocolate syrup when it went to work on someone. If I taught a class of aspiring directors, I'd name the class "How to avoid making Heebie Jeebies."
- Thus says the Pellington"