Steven Hancock | Winston Salem, NC United States | 04/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of the "Highlander" TV series can now own the greatest episodes from all six seasons in "Highlander: The Ultimate Collection!" This well-produced six-disc set contains fifteen episodes that the producers, stars, and fans of the show consider to be the "Best of the Best." All the episodes belong on this set: there is not a questionable episode among them!
Among the powerful episodes are:
-"The Gathering," the series premiere, featuring "Highlander" film star Christopher Lambert reprising his role as Connor MacLeod in his only appearance in the show;
-"Comes a Horseman" and "Revelation 6:8," the powerful two-part story dealing with the Four Horsemen, which features powerful performances by Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod and Peter Wingfield as Methos;
-"Homeland," the amazing episode where Duncan returns to Scotland for the first time in 200 years;
-"Deliverance," the second-half of the "Dark Quickening" story, where Duncan must find a way to defeat the evil within him, and;
-"To Be" and "Not to Be," the two episodes that brought the series to its exciting, emotional conclusion!
The DVD set also comes with great extras that take a behind-the-scenes look at the shows great moments, as well as looks at the fans and the upcoming "Highlander" Video Game from Eidos! Whether you're a fan of the series, or someone new to the show, then this DVD set is for you! It is truly the best of the best!
Program/DVD Set Grade: A+"
Great Collection, Great Action! but the captioning is bad...
Dora Rettig | Maryland | 06/05/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I love the Highlander series. Duncan MacLeod is the best- and this is a great collection of some of the best episodes. It comes in an album style case, with pictures, etc; makes a great gift or the Highlander lover.In fact somebody gave it to me as a gift! So far I've only finished watching through Disk 2. There's one glich. I like to watch DVDs with the captions on. I have some hearing loss and it helps with comprehension. The captions on the disks I've watched are unbelievably bad. Just really dumb things like "your" instead of "you're" "Rookie" was typed in as "Rocky"-not the same thing! Spelling errors like "pregnent" One made me laugh out loud- The characters Joe and Methos are walking along saying something about being like Scully and Mulder- the caption read "Scallion molded"!!! Not kidding. If you don't want/need the captions, turn off the captions and enjoy the adventures of Duncan. As I watch the rest of the collection, I'll have to do that too because the captioning is THAT bad. Apart from the captioning issue, it really is a 5 Star collection!"
Disjointed, but a great set for a taste of the best
Lori A. Brown | Sanford FL | 01/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a nice way to get a taste of the best of the Highlander: The Series episodes without buying all the season sets, however, the thing that confused me is the order in which they put them on the disk. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it as we get the backstory of Methos on disk one but don't get the first episode where he is introduced until Disk 3? And the first episode of the series where we meet Duncan McLeod isn't until the end of Disk 2?? Makes little sense. A little more thought to the order would have made this a great "lender set" to give to a friend curious about the series. As it is, I think it would confuse someone unfamiliar with the show.
The bonus features here were okay, though several suffered from poor audio mixing and were hard to hear.
All in all, its a good, lower cost way for fans to get some of the best episodes, but a true fan will want to buy the season sets to be able to view them in proper order."