The eight installment in the "Maneater Series," Hybrid introduces a whole new maneating beast that howls under the moonlight and is eager to bite. When a young man is blinded in an explosion, he becomes the first human sub... more »ject to undergo a cross-species transplant. Receiving the eyes of a wolf, he can now see in the dark. Unfortunately, he also starts seeing other humans as prey. Ordered to be hunted down and destroyed, he seeks shelter with a mysterious museum curator--a half-breed female herself. Hybrid delivers a snarling twist on the werewolf genre for an all new generation of animal lovers.« less
DAS SKY LYCANTHROPE | Baltimore, Maryland USA | 10/30/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ok I must be upfront about the fact I love movies about werewolves and real wolves too so I claim my bias up front. That said this is a pretty good movie. Not particularly horror however. There are some gore scenes but nothing horrid to make you come close to gacking up the turkey on toast with mayo you just ate. The plot is sort of one dimensional and predictable. The evil military government people get wind of a man who via fantastic surgery gets a wolf's eyes. Getting the wolf's eyes came with a hidden price however. Darn you guessed it right. Over time the recipiant of the wolf's eyes starts noticing development of other wolfe like skills and a sense of family with wolves and even wild dogs.
There are no werewolf transformation scenes. This movie made itself novel by creating a werewolf by implication. The man became a werewolf in skills, abilities, drives and instincts while retaining a human form. While ok I would not consider the star of the movie a "Pretty Man" which only added to the coolness of the picture. There is a weak sex scene in the movie for those of you that require such a thing. Being autistic I can live without sex scenes in my movies completely.
I liked that in his wild or feral mentality he never killed a innocent. While difficult he always kept a shread of his humanity and dignity. He did kill doctors and members of the sick twisted research facility and they did deserve to die. The coolest thing of all and what for me makes this movie a keeper is the ending. The ending of this movie is so nice it moves to the A LIST of my entire collection not just the best of the werewolf themed movies.
Personally I had to give this movie 5 stars because, it satisfied all my desires in a manner few others have."
Hybrid - A surprise!
Alexander Roman | BURBANK, CA United States | 07/14/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I came across the DVD in a horror shop. Decided to take a chance...didn't know what to expect, but to my was great. It's similar to "Wolf" with Jack Nicholson where it covers more a of spiritual journey of the lead character rather than an overwhelming need to kill humans. Some of the supporting characters aren't very good, but the lead does a great job embracing the wolf energy inside of him. The footage of the wolves is great and there are some very nice montages with the lead character connecting with the wolf energy. If you're a werewolf fan...I think it's a must! Overall, I think the director did a great job!"
More Energy Efficient Werewolves
Zekeriyah | Chicago, IL | 07/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the latest release in the 'Man-Eaters' series, this time around about a werewolf. When I first heard about this flick, I joked to my girlfriend that its probably about 'energy efficient werewolves.' Oh how right I was. See, the main plot revolves around an evil medical corporation that implants a wolf's eyes into a blind man, inadvertently turning him into a werewolf. Well, sort of. He just kind of runs around at night with a pack of wolves (or in one case, feral dogs). Naturally, he runs away, with the military-industrial complex chasing after him. During the course of this, he falls in love with a Native American woman and undergoes a 'spiritual quest' to make peace with the wolf-half of himself.
Yeah, theres more than a little New Age-y spiritualism going on in there. But that said, its not a bad movie really. They actually hired Native American actors, for one, and had real wolves. And, unlike other movies, they didn't portray the wolves as especially evil or anything. The main thrust of this movie really seems to be man vs. nature, and while it wasn't especially scary or gorey as far as werewolf movies go, it at least was able to keep my interest. It also features Justine Bateman, who does a great job as the head of the hospital, trying to get our protagonist back. Its probably not the high point for the Man-Eater movies, but its still worth watching."
What a waste of time!
Sommerleigh Pollonais | MIAMI, FLORIDA United States | 03/09/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie started off on the right foot, with the whole eye transplant aspect. It had all the ingredients needed, but somewhere along the line, it's like the director decided to make an entirely different movie! Where are the WEREWOLVES?! I kept sitting there waiting for the lycan aspect to kick in and... NATHIN' . Oh well, I'll just pop my copy of Dog Soldiers in my DVD player ... now THAT'S a werewolf movie!"