Nice National Geographic Special on JFK
Vince Palamara | South Park/Bethel Park, PA | 01/14/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First shown in 2003, this National Geographic special focused on how the press corps dealt with JFK's presidency and, with Stockard Channing's able narration, makes for some entertaining viewing. Ben Bradlee, White House photographer Cecil Stoughton (whom I have corresponded with) and Jacques Lowe set the scene very well. Worth having for those who want to revisit "Camelot."
Vince Palamara"
An Interesting Look
Tami | Ocala, Florida USA | 08/17/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This brief but interesting look at one of the most documented families in the world. Stockard Channing does a great job in her narration and some of the film and photos are some that I have not seen before. It documents the mystic and the media facination with the family accuratly and with a bit more dignity than so many others. Well worth the purchase