Hulk Hogan Collection
MovieCrüe | USA | 12/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I watched these films when i was a little kid and loved them, Hulk Hogan was my hero. They are cheesy as hell, if you don't like that then i would not get these. Now if you think Hulk Hogan is a god like I do, then buy these fast. The only problem is they are Fullscreen, but does it really matter with these movies?"
Calling all Hulkamaniacs
Hulk Hogan Lucas | 05/26/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Brothers, these are possibly the two greatest movies ever made. I was involved in the production and believe me, I spared no effort in pleasing Hulkamaniacs world-wide. I actually pride myself in being the stuntman for the Hulkster. I'm only 5'4" but, other than that, I look exactly like Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Using different camera angles you can't even tell that I'm not Hulk Hogan. I live my life like I am the Hulkster. I saw some dude perform the Walls of Jericho on another guy at the video store so I knocked him down and gave him an Atomic Leg Drop. It was then I realized that I had just knocked out Chris Jericho. Then my buddy, Jake, came out and put a huge snake on his chest.
All this to say that if you havn't seen these movies, or if you don't like them, then you are not a true American. Don't do that to your country. I didn't fight for this country to have people ignore this movie."