"Phil Collins has been one of my musical heroes over the last 22 years. I personally have been a drummer for most of my life. Although it was Ringo Starr's drumming that got me started, it was Phil Collins that influenced me to stick with it.
What a pleasure it is to finally have a documentary released on this legendary talented figure. "A Life Less Ordinary" chronicles Phil's life-story from the time he was born up to the present day with his new wife, his new son and his latest album "Testify".
There are a few flaws with the documentary. Some important details are left out especially when discussing Genesis. Also, in the portion where Phil's child-acting days are discussed, nowhere is it mentioned that Phil was an extra in the Beatles film "A Hard Days Night".
However, the good outweighs the bad on this one. Besides interviews with Phil and his bandmates from both Genesis and his solo career, there are many interviews with Phil's family including his children, his brothers and sister, his mother and his new wife. In some cases, Phil's life story gets so personal, it's almost as if your there in the room with him. There are some very emotional moments such as Phil's family all being there when he won the Oscar for Disney's "Tarzan".
Besides this, there is plenty of Phil's music included here spanning his entire career from Flaming Youth, to Genesis, to Brand X, to his solo career, and the list goes on.
This documentary may be disappointing to some but it does provide an excellent overview of Phil Collins' life and music. Phil has truly been blessed with an extraordinary talent and has the success to prove it. With "A Life Less Ordinary", it's like finally being able to shake hands and sit down and chat with the man himself."
Misleading Labelling
panchulo | 07/29/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Although this documentary treds familiar ground for die-hard fans, it provides new insight into Phil Collins's personal life through home-movies, interviews with family etc.The problem with this DVD is the misleading labelling. The back cover suggests the dvd includes 95 minutes of extras in addition to the 60-minute documentary. In reality, the total running time for the main feature and extras is 95 minutes. In addition, the back cover suggests there are performances of entire songs while, in fact, there are only very short snippets of the featured songs."
What more do you want from a documentary?
POP-ROCK | Whittier, Ca United States | 07/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You have interviews with Phil's Mother, Children, Wife, Brothers and Sisters, Ex-Bandmates and lots of others so you will get something new out of this. I loved it and I highly recommend it."
R. Jones Jr. | PA | 03/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an indepth look into Phil's life. The DVD that "true fans" will want to see. Kind of like sitting down for the chat with Phil that I always wanted. Being a Drummer (left-handed)and seeing every tour (Genesis & Solo) since the mid 80's. Phil has always been my influence. Cheers to Phil and the BBC for such a wonderful documentary."
Only for fans
panchulo | 12/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"complet, and precise to know all about this great and famous songwriter.
this dvd show all of his life for that reason i'm like"