This movie express what was in my soul
John Doe | USA, America | 04/29/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I work for the Insurance Industry for 10 years. Within the 1st years, I found out that they denied 50% of the claims AUTOMATICALLY. And the people that are being denied the claims are the one that get in trouble when they try to contemplate retaliation for denial of claims. As this Insurance company has a retired FBI agent in charge of claim investigation thus throught this connection, they have the backing of the FBI. And many Insurance Companies have retired law enforcement officers working for them thus have the backing of law enforcement.
Over the 10 years I've seen lot of craps and experience lot of things. With each company I worked for more disgusting than the last. It was hard to describe what I experience and see to outsider. As most people are naive about the real world. They only see the world that is portray by propagandas that is created by each industrial group, clandestine organizations & clans (For basic concept of clans & clandestine activities, read CIA, INC.: Espionage and the Craft of Business Intelligence & A History Of Secret Societies).
When this movie first came out, I was amaze at how accurate they portrait the Insurance Companies. From the way they operate to the character of the people in the Insurance Company. The only part that was a little off was the way they portray the Insurance Company denying 100% of the claims. It was a little bit exaggerated but I guess they were trying to make a point. When you exaggerate something a little bit, it hits a little bit harder if you are trying to make a point. Or maybe they could be right in that there is probably an Insurance Company out there denying 100% of the claims and get away with it.
From my experience, I would say 50%. Even if you are two faces, one face is professional and the other is evil, the evil face is only one out of two faces. 1 out of 2 = 1/2 = 50%.
Even mathematically the 50% figures match with the 50% I experience from working for the Insurance Companies. Thus my experience can even be verified mathematically. But the math is back up by my own experience thus it is scientifically correct.
If you want to see how Corporate Insurances operate, this will give some idea of what it is like. You can never experience what I observed over the 10 years of working for Insurance Companies in a 2 hours movie. (For an example of my observation skill, read my review on Skid Row (Full Screen)) And since I was lay off from the Insurance Industry/Insurance Companies in the year 2000, I've probably consciously forgotten more than this movie could ever portrait. But at least you will get a peak of the inner working mechanism of an Insurance Company.
If after watching this movie you feel outrage by the injustice you see, then I would recommend you get Insurance with a Non-profit Insurance Companies. At the moment of this posting there are 83 Non-profit Health Insurance Companies in America.
I assume that without the necessity for profit, the need to commit the injustice noted in this movie would decrease substantially. I guess if you have to paid out $500 millions dollars to the stock holders or your parent company, you would consider committing the injustice shown in this movie to meet your obligation.
If you want to find out more about Non-profit Health Insurance Companies, Google search "non profit healthcare organizations" & "non profit healthcare insurance".
If you are a big business entity or group, you can always self insured thus cut out the middleman. Google search "Self-Insurance Institute of America", "self funded insurance plans" & "self insured plans" for more information."