Both movies rock
RockChic4Life | Harlan, IA USA | 05/30/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I was babysitting my cousins last year with my friend, they had The Sandlot with them and my friend and I had never watched it so we did when my cousins were sleeping and we fell in love with the movie and its characters, then in April of this year, we found out about the sequel and we rented it, which I must say is just about as good as the first one if not as good or better. The plot lines are a bit similar and a bit different, both have a kissing scene (First movie: Squints and Lifeguard, Second: Fingers and Kissing booth chick), and both have something lost over the fence where the dog is (First movie: baseball, Second: Rocket) and both have a Smalls, (First: Scotty Smalls, Second: His brother Johnny Smalls) and both have a character with a wise mouth (First: Ham, Second: Mac) but the Sandlot 2 has girls on their team, Hayley, Jenny, and Penny and they actually deal with a first love unlike in the first one when there was a crush on the lifeguard. Plus, the first one does deal more with baseball than the second one does...oh yeah, and both movies have insanely gorgeous guys (First: Benny, Second: David), but both movies are awesome.
Both movies are really funny and enjoyable, I'm definitely buying this pack. And if you liked the first one, there is a pretty good chance you'll like the second one.
My brother absolutley adored The Sandlot and refused to watch the sequel, but then he saw me and my friend watching it so he thought he would just give it a shot, and he liked it. So if you liked the first one, like I said, there's a good chance you'll like the sequel too."
My Kids LOVED it!
Melissa A. Rice | Orange County, CA | 01/18/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Both my five year old & 2 year old LOVED this gift! They watch it all the time now on their PSP and it was quite the bargain for both movies! Definitely recommended! ~ Mommy in CA"
Both movies 2 thumbs up!
jklo | california | 11/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I absolutly love both versions of the sandlot! The 1st sandlot is just wonderful on capturing the innocence of childhood. Kids are just so imaginative and the film really captures that. The 2nd one is just fantastic on capturing what 1st love feels like. I don't see why people don't like the 2nd one but I absoulty adore it! People just have to give it a chance!"