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The Secret (Extended Edition)
The Secret
Extended Edition
Actors: Rhonda Byrne, Paul Harrington, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch
Director: Drew Heriot
Genres: Special Interests
NR     2006     1hr 32min

The new "extended edition" of this ground-breaking feature length movie presentation reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... to reach you. — This is T...  more »

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Movie Details

Actors: Rhonda Byrne, Paul Harrington, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch
Director: Drew Heriot
Genres: Special Interests
Sub-Genres: Health & Sexual Well-Being, Self-Help
Studio: TS Production LLC
Format: DVD - Full length,Subtitled
DVD Release Date: 10/01/2006
Release Year: 2006
Run Time: 1hr 32min
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaDVD Credits: 1
Total Copies: 8
Members Wishing: 0
MPAA Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Languages: English
Subtitles: English
See Also:

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Member Movie Reviews

Reviewed on 11/14/2013...
It is a well produced documentary. A lot can be learned from it.
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Mary G. from MIDLAND, TX
Reviewed on 7/18/2013...
I enjoyed it.
1 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Casey H. (Gnives) from BALDWYN, MS
Reviewed on 7/3/2011...
PPPFFFFTTTHHHH!...The Universe didn't give me crap.
0 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Joan H. from WARSAW, IN
Reviewed on 12/21/2009...
My Opinion:
Everyone needs to see and hear "The Secret."
1 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.

Movie Reviews

Disappointing ... Over-Rated ... Superficial in Content
Denise Corcoran | Burlingame, CA | 03/01/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)

"With all the hype about The Secret, I was eager to find out what everyone was talking about. I bought both the DVD and the CD set and watched with great anticipation.

Perhaps because I have studied and utilized for over 2 decades some of the most powerful mindset tools, processes and technologies for creating what you want, my expectations may have been skewed compared to those who have never heard of or applied such concepts as the law of attraction.

That is not to say the DVD/CD does not have value. I am sure there are people whose lives have been changed by it. I think they did an outstanding marketing job. An outstanding "packaging" job in creating The Secret. The attraction principles do work, and they provided a great introduction to those who have not been exposed to them before.

For me personally, my first disappointment was the fact that what was dramatically (and cleverly) built up as "a secret" - which to me something you know that I don't - was hardly a secret. These principles have been around for centuries, have been mainstream for decades, with thousands of books, seminars, etc. covering the same principles. I don't appreciate books, tapes, etc. that overpromise and under deliver. So, to me, hardly a secret.

My second disappointment was the lack of depth around the subject matter. If you want more in-dpeth and leading edge info about how our thoughts create our reality, invest in the DVD "What the Bleep?" It offers fascinating leading edge quantum physics principles, along with great animation explaining in simple layman terms, why and how we create our realities. In fact, some of the scientists on The Secret *first* appeared in "What the Bleep?" I almost felt when I was watching The Secret, that they copied "What the Bleep?" in many respects, although at a more superficial level.

My third disappointment/concern is how some Secret followers will interpret the messagge in the movie. Again my perspective may be slightly skewed because I trained in and work with NLP (Neurolinguistic Programmming) which works drectly with the subconscious mind for helping people create accelerated breakthroughs in their lives. The suggestions, recommmended processes, etc. in The Secret work primarily with the conscious mind. Yet it is our subconscious mind that drives 80% of our behaviors and outcomes in life.

Yes, if you practice their recommendations for months and months, the suggestions may eventually sink into our subconscious. However there are simpler, quicker ways to create what you want. The other piece of that, because the subconscious mind does drive our results, there are many blocks -- such as "secondary gains" for staying stuck, values conflicts, limited beliefs, etc. - below our conscious awareness that stops us from having what we want. Because the movie does not address the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and treats the whole topic superficially as why some people manifest and some don't, it creates the illusion that as long as you practice their suggestions, you will change your life. There is so much more than what is presented as to what are the differences that make the difference to creating what you want.

While I am glad that so many people are becoming more aware of these principles, I am concerned about the fallout as well. I am hearing people do potentially harmful things like go into deeper debt, making dramatic life changes with blind faith, because the DVD tells them they can have what they want if they just believe, etc.

I would suggest if you buy the DVD to take a few things that most resonated with you, and apply them to your life, as long as you don't sacrifice or overhaul other areas of your life without looking at the big picture. Sort out the glitz from the message. Also check what is not true for you and let go of it.

I would recommend the movie "what the bleep?" It goes hand in hand with The Secret, although more in depth and was the original movie that brought these concepts mainstream.

Third, I recommend that you check out book on NLP (as well as hypnosis which is a sister discipline). Out of all the mindset tools and technologies I have used in over 20 years, I have found they are by far the most powerful. One of the best "beginner" books is: "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement".

Good luck and may your journey be an abundant one!"
There's More To The Story
Steven Lane Taylor | Sedona, AZ USA | 02/10/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)

"The Secret is one of the best produced and edited DVDs of its kind that I have ever seen. And the line-up of teachers and presenters is top-notch. There is only one reason I give this DVD four stars instead of five. The Secret is about the Law of Attraction, and how we can use that Law to "attract" into our lives anything we want. But it spends 95% of the time talking only about being focused on what you want (rather than what you don't want), and generating positive feelings about that. It only spends 5% of the time making it clear that what we really attract into our lives is the people, circumstances, and opportunities that lead us to what we want. In other words, when we utilize the principles mentioned in The Secret, doors open. But we have to recognize those doors for what they are and go through them. And that involves action. Many people who watch The Secret walk away with the impression that visualization and positive feelings is all it takes. It isn't. You still have to do something. As long as you keep that in mind, The Secret contains information that can be life altering. Enjoy!

Steven Lane Taylor, Author of Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A Guide For Living Life In The Divine Flow"
Even Now....
John P. Morgan | Beautiful San Dimas, CA | 01/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction, you are always using it. You are using it now in this moment. We are always drawing to us that which we are predominantly thinking. This isn't some "pie-in-the-sky" notion, this is the Truth. Jesus the Master Teacher said, "It is done unto you as you believe..."

In just eight simple words, Jesus summed up life for each and every one of us and this incredible movie gets us to remember that each one of us "creates our reality" with our thoughts, our feelings, and the images that we are allowing ourselves to predominantly focus upon. Of course, we do not actually "create" reality but our interpretations of what comes into our lives can "bless" us or "curse" us.

Does this DVD tell us anything new? I hate to break it to you, but there is "nothing new under the sun". But maybe...just maybe....we need to apply that which we thought we "knew". I've been at this metaphysical/spiritual stuff for almost twenty years now and I am constantly amazed at the new insights I continuously receive from those things I once thought I "knew".

There will be the "naysayers" who say that this DVD is a rip off, but you gotta ask yourself, how many of these people have put this stuff into practice? Yeah, sure, it's easy to change your thoughts --- but keeping them changed, that's the tricky part. We have all been hypnotized to a certain degree about how things are in the world, but the bottom line is that our defintion of reality is not so much a definition of how it really is as much as it is a definition of how we are.

I've watched this movie over sixty times, I've given workshops based on it, I recommend it to anyone who has the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the spirit willing enough. In and of itself, this movie will not change your life, only you can do that, but this movie will definitely give you those "glimpses" of Truth that when persistently and consistently and willingly applied can and will change your life for the better.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "All of life is an experiment." Be willing to redirect your focus, be willing to let go of old beliefs and form new ones, be willing to be more than you ever thought you could and life will reward you with the greatest reward you could ever hope to receive; a well-lived life.

Peace and Blessings to you all.
john 'the Light" coach
