This modernistic fantasy-drama, is about a New York architect Phillip (John Cassavetes), who is fedup with city living. He takes his wife Antonia (Gena Rowlands), an actress, and their daughter, Miranda (Molly Ringwald in ... more »her debut), to Greece to a barren island. There he meets a singer and a hermit and others who land on the island when the boat is shipwrecked.« less
"I just purchased this video today after many years of recalling memorable scenes from it. To me it's about a man with a greek surname who abandons his meaningless life as an NYC Architect to explore himself, taking his trepidacious(?) daughter with him to a small Greek island.The story has dual timelines which eventually meet at the present day. This was a new experience for me when first seeing this movie.Some of the many memorable scenes are:John Cassavetes looking up at the baloons falling during the New Years Day party and making the decision to get the hell out of there.The Greek captain of the ship taking them to their island calling out the names of the dozens of Greek islands.Raoul Julia dancing around with an octopus on his head.Also Raoul admitting that he wants to sleep with Cassavetes daughter saying 'She wants the Bonnie Johnnie inside of her'. Cassavetes fights him and probably considers killing him but stops.Cassavetes' wife happens to be floating near the island as an entouragee of a Greek tycoon ala Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis. Cassavetes conjures a storm with his reading glasses saying "Come on, show me the magic."To me this is the pinnacle of Cassavetes journey to find himself, fancies himself a god, and makes the magic happen only to regret his actions but assist in rescuing the party.This movie is definitely on my list of the best movies ever."
Boris Zubry | Princeton, NJ United States | 12/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very refreshing movie which does not happen too often. When I watched it I had a feeling that every actor (and they all were great) was free tp act on his or her own and the director just gave the general directions. One could see every actor, every talent at its best. Little things, little touches made it work. Good movie, great production, excellent actors and the perfect music. It is very reccomended."
A long lost gem!
Marten Sanden | Lund, Sweden | 02/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Finally this Mazursky classic will be available on DVD! If you have seen it, you'll know why you should be excited. If you missed when it came out in the early eighties you should definitely give it a chance. A truly magical film, very loosely based on the Shakespeare play, with stellar performances by John Cassavetes, Gena Rowlands, Molly Ringwald, Raul Julia and many others. Great actors, great script, beautiful cinematography - Great movie!"
Patrick B. Marren | Crystal Lake, IL USA | 08/21/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, for those of you who asked in your reviews, the tango in the movie is "Tango del Fuego," written by Lieber & Stoller (who also wrote half of Elvis Presley's hit songs, oddly enough). The song at the end is Dinah Washington singing "Manhattan." This movie is haunting, a bit disjointed, perhaps, but it gets into your head. Cassavetes keeps it slightly off-track, but that's good. The scenery is fantastic. And Raul Julia is just beautiful in the role of a cave-dwelling goat-herding lecher in two-tone shoes. The Great Greek-American Mid-Life-Crisis Movie."
Enjoyable, occassionally serious romp based on Shakespeare
Boris Zubry | 12/12/1998
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Maybe it's just a sentimental attachment, but I've always loved this movie since I saw it over and over again, when my household first got cable TV. Great actors old (John Cassavettes and Gena Rowlands) and new (Molly Ringwald, Raul Julia, Susan Sarandon, all in early roles) abound in this modern retelling of Shakespeare's Tempest. Nominally a comedy, Tempest focuses on serious topics: infidelity, a young woman's coming of age, parent-child relationships, family conflict. Beautiful settings and realistic dialog. Happy endings in spite of the rocky conflicts each character goes through. Every time I watch it, I learn something new."