D. Blankenship | The Ozarks | 05/22/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There is not a whole lot I can add to the very nice reviews already posted to this sight; difficult to come up with anything that has not already been said. Never-the-less, since this movie is at the top of my list of films that are simply fun to watch, I feel a need to add my two cents.
I am one of those people who love movies, but have an absolute loathing for T.V. in general. I watch, not counting DVDs and VHS Tapes of movies, about one hour of Television per week. Other than the movies I buy or rent (I dislike the movie channels because I hate to be tied to their schedule), I have no use for a television set, other than the fact that about twice a month I spend the evening mindlessly channel surfing. I probably do that more to annoy my wife than for any other reason, although I do find it relaxing. For some reason it is very comforting to me to know that at almost any given time, while I surf, I can find this movie playing somewhere. This has been going on for years now it seems. It is one of those certainties in life; sun rising, taxes, death and Tremors. There are reasons for this!
The first thing a viewer must do, to truly enjoy this film, is to not take it, or themselves, serious. This entire work is a take off on all of the old 1950s horror films which were so popular at that time. This film is not meant to be taken serious. It is simply fun. You can tell from the actions of the actors featured in this work that they had a great time making it, and this attitude leaks off the screen. In many ways, laughing with this film is in many ways like laughing at ourselves...something that is quite healthy from time to time.
The film features some very likable rednecks living in a remote desert crossroads community, in the absolute middle of nowhere. I was a bit unsettled when I first watch this film, as I swear some of my family members certainly must have been the prototype for some of the characters. (Don't snicker...you all have them, you just don't admit it in public as I am doing here). Anyway, this unique and eccentric group of people is besieged by some worm like critters that tunnel under the sand and eat you. Make no mistake, a bit of fun is being poked at Dune here (Rightfully so...Hollywood took a SiFi classic and mucked it up with a very poor rendition on the big screen...I will probably never forgive them for that).
Kevin Bacon (Val) and Fred Ward (Earl) play two good old boys to a tee. Michael Gross and Reba McEntire are hilarious in their role as two gun slinging survivalist Wing Nuts in their bunker, and the young lady heroine does a fine bit of acting as the only intelligent one of the group (plus having very nice looking legs). All in all the word play and the one-liners alone make the film worth watching.
As hokey as the plot is; as unbelievable as the situations get, you find yourself cheering (quietly I hope) for the small band of people and wondering if the worms are actually smarter than their prey.
I like this movie. It is relaxing, funny enjoyable and a great movie to have playing with a group of friends...you don't have to watch all that closely and can still carry on a conversation.
I strongly suspect that this movie will be around for a long, long time.
Don Blankenship
The Ozarks