Not the best place to start for a Franco newbie...
C. Clark | United States | 04/17/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"...or even the experienced, err, Francophile. "Two Undercover Angels" reminds one of a tall soda, appealing at first glance but ultimately filled with empty calories. In this film, two attractive women live together as a detective agency called "Red Lips." The redhead (Jeanine Reynaud of the far superior "Succubus") is the brains of the group and seems almost like a poor man's Jane Fonda. The blonde, whose name I forget, seems airheaded but is a master of disguise. Little information is given of their backgrounds, which might have been helpful. They investigate a series of strange murders involving an art gallery, and director Franco makes a cameo as a toady who angers his employer. A wearwolf-like man known as "Morpho" (a common name in Franco's movies) also shows up. All in all, it's a confused mess, although there is some eye candy to be found, mostly in the Mediterranean setting, the two female leads, and an extended striptease scene set to ultra-groovy '60s mamba music."
Fun, frothy, crazy
Joe the Wise | 10/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love Jess Franco films, and this is one of his frothiest. No sex, but suggestiveness and madcap comedy abounds. A stylish, tongue-in-cheek twist, lightly ghoulish, effusive, with a pair of ahead-of-the-game gals. Probably not the best place to start watching Jess Franco films, but if watched the right way, this film just might make you happy."