Just interviews, no film footage.
L. Ferraro | Australia | 10/11/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd produced in Finland in 1995 features interviews with contacts and channellers about there contact experiences with aliens, some of it sounds far fetched but who knows. There are only a few interviews conducted with UFO experts about there knowledge and what they think is happening in today's world of ufology. This documentary falls below par with today's standard UFO documentaries that come from the US. This is volume 3 in a 5 dvd set. Running time 56 minutesThe transfer is okay with some grain noticeable during some dark shots. The audio is Dolby stereo 2.0.Extras
1. UFO resource guide, a listing of organizations in the US and Canada, 3 pages worth.
2. Map showing frequent UFO sightings, ordinary, this could have been more updated, 1 page.
3. Information on top 15 UFO sightings from 1917 - 1967, Roswell doesn't even get a mention, 3 pages.
4. Top secret 1995 report to Congressman Schiff on the Roswell incident, this is the best extra on the disc, about 7 pages.
5. 5 Trivia questions, waste of time.
Transfer 2/5, Audio 2/5, Extras 1/5."