An (unintentionally?) humorous low budget B-horror flick
Josh | Boston, NY USA | 07/17/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a movie for those horror fans who are in it for the unintentionally comedic low-budget aspect rather then those looking for a true horror film. This film is definitely not scary. However, it will provide quite a few laughs, and you might even find yourself inadvertently interested in the storyline at points.Basically, you have a low-budget film with somewhat amateur camera work and a low-budget video look transferred to a DVD that retains that same low-budget video look and sound. Add a rather humorous soundtrack that doesn't know if it wants to be dark lo-fi horror music or break into 80s hair metal. Throw in the main antagonist, an evil witch that has taken the body of a hot blonde neighbor that spends the whole movie in a short mini-skirt combined with various forms of lingerie trying to seduce the protagonist (in order to have a kid that will take over the world or something or other). We also get some amusing "80s hard rock video" views of her rolling around and touching herself to the 80s hair metal soundtrack mentioned above. Being a witch, she also gives us some laughs as we watch her perform magic through what appear to be various 80s dance moves...Also notable are the lo-fi special effects. Who can help but laugh out loud when watching a priest getting killed (or at least scared?) by fake-looking fire randomly superimposed over the image.All of this builds to the exciting climax: Will he cheat on his girlfriend with the witch or not? I'm not going to spoil it for you...If you're looking for a real horror movie, you might want to try the first Witchcraft, which is actually a pretty decent movie. If you're looking for something cheesy to sit around with friends and laugh at, this will do quite nicely..."
Not all That
D. M. Parks | Naples, Fl USA | 08/21/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It is a lame story. Acting- who care we buy these movies to see the hot chicks in the flesh. That is like saying "I just read it for the articles". Truthfully- Not much flesh, no good hot scences. The closest it gets is at the end and it is not all that great.