Search - Yoga Journal: Baron Baptiste's Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga - Best Live Workout on DVD

Yoga Journal: Baron Baptiste's Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga - Best Live Workout
Yoga Journal Baron Baptiste's Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga - Best Live Workout
Actor: Baron Baptiste
Director: n/a
Genres: Fitness & Yoga
NR     2007     1hr 40min

Baron Baptiste: Foundations of Power Vinyasa Create a positive--and permanent--shift in your life. Filmed live at the fifth annual Yoga Journal San Francisco Conference, this unrehearsed 90-minute program captures the magn...  more »


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Movie Details

Actor: Baron Baptiste
Director: n/a
Genres: Fitness & Yoga
Sub-Genres: Yoga
Studio: Bayview Entertainment/Widowmaker
Format: DVD - Color
DVD Release Date: 11/06/2007
Original Release Date: 01/01/2007
Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/2007
Release Year: 2007
Run Time: 1hr 40min
Screens: Color
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaDVD Credits: 1
Total Copies: 0
Members Wishing: 1
MPAA Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Languages: English

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Movie Reviews

A strong, foundational yoga practice with a master instructo
Beth Cholette | Upstate NY USA | 12/20/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)

""Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga" is part of Yoga Journal's Great Instructors series, a series of DVDs filmed at the annual Yoga Journal Conference in San Francisco. It features Baron Baptiste, a well-known yoga instructor of power yoga. Here he presents an 85-minute class which emphasizes form and foundation in each posture. Throughout the practice, Baron frequently mentions the spiritual benefits of each pose, and he focuses on the core through frequent reminders to engage uddiyana bandha.

Baron generally leads the class from the middle of the room, but he occasionaly walks around the room making adjustments along with his three assistants. The video also features a "yoga demonstrator" on a dais at the head of the class for easy reference. This DVD is well-chaptered, and the introduction suggests that each chapter can stand alone as a shorter practice if necessary. The chapters are as listed below; I have added in approximate times as well as brief descriptive information.

Warm Up (11m)--The practice begins in child's pose and then moves on to a slow, meticulous setup of down dog. After coming to a standing forward bend and taking a few sun breaths, this segment ends with three chants of OM.
Surya Namaskar A (5m)--A slow sun salutation flow with longer holds of plank and down dog.
Surya Namaskar B (28m)--Here Baron begins to move fairly quickly through the vinyasa flows. He provides detailed instruction for warrior 1 and also includes crazy dog (moving into a backbend), side plank, crescent lunge, and prayer twist.
Standing Poses (24m)--Postures here include several standing forward bend variations, standing splits, airplane, knee to side, eagle, tree, warrior 2, and reverse warrior. Very fast vinyasa flows are performed between some of the postures.
Backbends (7.5m)--This gentle backbending sequence includes bow pose, locust, and half camel.
Seated Poses (12m)--Baron begins with boat pose and then moves into seated pigeon, 3-legged table, seated twist, full seated forward bend, and table or reverse plank.
Final Relaxation (9m)--Baron concludes the practice with reclined twist, viparita karini (not using a wall), and reclinded cobbler's pose; the practice ends in a seated position with namaste.

The Main Menu on the DVD lists a Play All option, an Introduction, Chapters, and Special Features. The latter includes an 8-minute interview with Baron in which he talks about his experiences with yoga since childhood. He also discusses the evolution of his teaching over 25 years of practice and emphasizes the importance of a strong foundational practice. Given this, Foundations of Power Vinyasa Yoga is designed to teach the fundamentals of the postures, and Baron suggests that it would be approrpriate for beginners to more advanced students. Although Baron does keep the postures basic and offers many modifications, I would limit this practice to beginning yoga students who are already quite fit and strong, as even the simple postures presented here can be quite physically demanding. I found Baron to be more affable and engaging here than in his other videos, where he sometimes comes across as a bit scripted. He frequently jokes with the class and is quite light-hearted. Overall, this is a solid vinyasa practice which is likey to appear to more beginning and more advanced students alike."
Just what the doctor ordered
YogaGirl | san francisco, ca United States | 11/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I bought this dvd as part of the 3 great instructors package. This is the first dvd that I've done from the set and I have to say that it was just what I needed. Firstly, I'm a kundalini yoga person. I gave up my vinyasa practice 5 years ago to practice ky. Anyone who has fallen in love with kundalini yoga, will know that it sort of takes over your entire life and other types of yoga are unfulfilling. However, in the last months or so I have felt the need to go back to hatha yoga and include it more into my daily practice. This Baptiste dvd is a great place to start. It is a simple, slow, power yoga class with a detailed focus on alignment. Baron as usual, talks alot about the physical and spiritual benefits of yoga. This is a great class for beginners or experienced yogis who want to slow down their practice. The poses are:
* Sun salutes A & B
* Flipping out of downward dog to 3 legged upward bow or full bow, if possible
* Side plank
* reverse warrior
* cresent twist
* forward bend twist
* standing twisted arms and legs
* tree
* modified standing hand to toe pose. (knee bent)
* bow
* half camel (loved this one!)
* hip opener, leg crossed on standing bent knee.
* one legged table top.
* half boat
* modified shoulder stand. block underneath hips.

I may have missed a pose or two, but this a class that anyone can do. I am hatha yoga rusty and I had a nice sweat going. The last pose shoulderstand was like a meditation as Krishna Das was playing in the background. The class ended with Baron telling the class to love the world, it needs it. I felt myself smile. Baron is a great teacher and even though the class was basic it was totally enjoyable.

Technically, the production was very good. Kudos to Yoga Journal!"
Wonderful Practice for Experiencing Postures Deeply
30307 | Atlanta, GA United States | 05/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)

"YogaGirl and Beth Cholette did a great breakdown of this DVD, so I have nothing to add there. However, I want to say that I nearly overlooked this DVD because I understood (correctly) that it was a yoga workshop. I was afraid it would be too clinical. Instead, I discovered a lovely, slow-moving 90-minute practice. I'm a yin yoga fan because I like to hold my postures a long time. The length of time I hold my postures makes a big difference in my overall flexibility. This DVD is perfect for that.

If you are looking for a traditional flowing Baron Baptiste power yoga practice, please know that this is * NOT * it. If you are looking for a 90-minute practice which slowly explores numerous positions, one by one, for a sustained period of time --- and experience deep stretching -- then you will probably enjoy this practice. You don't have to do all 90 minutes, of course. The DVD is well-chaptered, allowing you to pick and choose which segment you want to explore.

One other thing --- Baron Baptiste is endearing in this workout. There is a softer side to Baptiste in this DVD not as evident in his other videos/DVDs."
Beware of the Title
paper | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | 10/09/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)

"Understand when purchasing this DVD that the emphasis is on the "Foundations" not the "Power Vinyasa". This DVD is big on explaining the positions more so than moving through them. So if you are new to yoga and need instruction on postures, then this is for you - the explanations are great. However, if you are a regular power yoga practitioner, the explanations will get in the way of a good vinyasa style workout for you."