Brian B.'s Reviews

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1941 (Collector's Edition)
1941 (Collector's Edition) (1999)
Actors: John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Treat Williams
Release Year: 1999
Date: 3/9/2023 11:34 ET
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

1941 is the sophomore project of legendary director Steven Spielberg. It is loosely based on actual events that took place during the early stages of WWII. While fictionalized and zany, it's a little frightening how close to reality it really hits. General "Vinegar Joe" Stillwell was a real guy, played by Robert Stack - who has an uncanny resemblance to Gen. Stillwell. The general was convinced that the Japanese were going to invade the continental USA, and he actually was responsible for overseeing some of the things that are depicted in the movie.

It is an over-the-top comedy, not campy, but the frantic pacing and an ensemble cast of some of the most talented comedians and actors of the 1970's, coupled with Spielberg's rich filmmaking prowess make it an immersive comedy. It is full of slapstick gags, surprise twists, and hilarious, sophomoric humor. Such as when a kidnapped "Hollis Wood" played by Slim Pickins, runs into a Nazi SS officer played by Christopher Lee, aboard a Japanese Submarine that is off the coast of southern California looking for Hollywood. Check your intellect at the door, lighten up, roll with the jokes, and enjoy the ride. The movie is genuinely entertaining.

Here is a highlight of some of the cast of the film:

Dan Aykroyd, Ned Beatty, John Belushi, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Christopher Lee, Tim Matheson, Toshirô Mifune, Warren Oates, Robert Stack, Treat Williams, Nancy Allen, John Candy, Eddie Deezen, Slim Pickens, Dub Taylor, Joe Flaherty, Michael McKean, and many, many others.

Review Date: 3/9/2023
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