Karen N.'s Reviews

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The Best of Crunch - Step
The Best of Crunch - Step (2000)
Release Year: 2000
Date: 6/5/2008 1:39 ET

Step and Sweat may be a little tricky to learn if you're a beginner, but once you've got the moves down and remember the patterns made by the routine, it's a fun workout. When I first did this workout, it really wore me out--and I was advanced in a cardio respect at the time (maybe not in a step/dance respect). I was so impressed by Michelle Dozois in this workout that I became a fan and have looked forward to her other workouts since.

Review Date: 6/5/2008
The Firm: Calorie Killer
The Firm: Calorie Killer (2004)
Actor: Nancy Tucker
Release Year: 2004
Date: 6/5/2008 1:32 ET
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.

I give it five stars for being fun, fast-moving (with no time to get bored), and hard enough to break a sweat but not gruelingly so. Additionally, Nancy's a solid professional that doesn't make me feel like I'm following some kind of robot-doll hybrid.

Review Date: 6/5/2008
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