Julien C.'s Reviews

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Fag Hag
Fag Hag (2005)
Actors: Stephanie Kirchen, Damion Dietz, Saadia Billman
Release Year: 2005
Date: 5/18/2009 5:31 ET
7 of 8 member(s) found this review helpful.

Low budget doesn't always mean low quality. Unfortunately, for Fag Hag, it does. Lighting and sound are generally poor. Plot sucked and made no sense. The opening was promising, but Drop Dead Gorgeous was much better and funnier on the pageant theme. Highlights: Wil Wheaton's cameo, the overall acting of the two female leads (save a pointless scene about a twitching eye), and the two musical numbers. Lowlights: Nonsensical plot, poor dialogue, and an ending that was just pitiful. Do not recommend. 1/5

Review Date: 5/18/2009
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