Keiahna M.'s Reviews

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Ballistic - Ecks vs. Sever
Ballistic - Ecks vs. Sever (2002)
Actors: Antonio Banderas, Lucy Liu, Talisa Soto
Release Year: 2002
Date: 3/20/2009 9:54 ET
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

I saw this movie several years ago, and I completely agree with Claudia. The best part about this movie was Lucy Liu kicking tail and taking names. Antonio spent much of the time looking confused and brooding. They are both probably very sorry they did this movie.

Review Date: 3/20/2009
The Birds (Collector's Edition)
The Birds (Collector's Edition) (2000)
Actors: Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren, Jessica Tandy
Release Year: 2000
Date: 4/2/2010 7:57 ET
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.

I got this for my mom. It's one of her favorite movies. She gives it five stars. I think it's pretty funny, and Tippi is such a lady when she's screaming and carrying on about the birds LOL! It is scary, and I think I read that the birds that attacked her in the room were real. Now THAT'S gutsy. All in all, an enjoyable thriller. I have never looked at birds gathering en masse the same way again.

Review Date: 4/2/2010
Crunch Yoga Mama - Prenatal Yoga
Crunch Yoga Mama - Prenatal Yoga (2004)
Actor: Susan Elkind
Release Year: 2004
Date: 4/20/2010 3:27 ET
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.

This was a very good DVD. I found that the pace of the workout was just what I needed for my third trimester. The instructor was calm but not so serene that she didn't have a sense of humor. I liked that pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy were shown doing the poses. The poses shown were not complicated Cirque du Soleil moves, but were challenging for someone in their third trimester. Many modified poses were also included, with variations on downward dog, half sun salutations, standing poses (swaying palm I think), twists, kegels, and squats. I also liked that props were used throughout for those with carpal tunnel (me!). Oh, there was also an abbreviated intro to yoga breathing technique. One minus is the savasana could have been longer. I will try to use this DVD after my 8 weeks of down time are up, to see if it would be good as a stand alone yoga DVD. I only got to use it a few times before my baby came early :)

Review Date: 4/20/2010
The Incredibles (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
The Incredibles (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) (2005)
Actors: Craig T. Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, Holly Hunter
Release Year: 2005
Date: 3/28/2010 11:47 ET
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.

This is one of my favorite movies! The comedy is great for kids or adults. I like that it's not your typical super hero movie - it deals with family issues, self esteem, and the super heros actually (gasp!) make mistakes from time to time. And it's great to know that when they are dealing with "saving the world" most of the stuff is improvised as they go along LOL! Highly recommended movie. Oh, and it's great that the kids in the movie are just kids, who happen to have super powers. If there really were super heros, I think this is how they would act.

Review Date: 3/28/2010
Juno (Single-Disc Edition)
Juno (Single-Disc Edition) (2008)
Actors: Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner
Release Year: 2008
Date: 10/3/2008 2:16 ET
2 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.

I couldn't agree more with SAA on this film. It tried so hard to be "cool" and touching and witty at the same time, and fell a little short. Especially the last 20 minutes, which I guess was supposed to be the tear jerker moment. I cannot believe all the hype surrounding this film. It wasn't terrible, but just wasn't terribly great. I am so glad I waited for it to come out on cable, because even a trip to the library or blockbuster would have been a waste of gas and effort.

Review Date: 10/3/2008
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette (2007)
Actors: Kirsten Dunst, Jason Schwartzman, Judy Davis
Release Year: 2007
Date: 3/18/2009 10:31 ET
2 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.

I agree with Sara C; this movie is definitely an acquired taste. I thought that it did a good job showing how stifling Marie Antoinette felt when she first arrived in France, how she spent extravagently to drown her unhappiness and boredom, and how disconnected she was from politics. But my goodness, it took a while for them to get to those points! And I felt like the last 45 minutes, which really had the meat of the film (the French people's discontent with court, her personal family troubles, and the culmination) went relatively quickly. They lost a golden opportunity to build up to the end. And speaking of the ending why did it end so abruptly? If you aren't familiar with how Marie Antoinette's life ends, you are left somewhat puzzled. I thought it was a decent film, but I think they could have left some stuff out of the middle and fleshed out the end a lot more. And all those colors in all the costumes made me feel somewhat as if I was trapped inside a giant, garish birthday cake. I liked how 80's music was mixed in, but I think it was misplaced in some spots. And I wish they would have chosen someone else to play Marie. Kirsten Dunst was not the best choice, although I generally love her!

Review Date: 3/18/2009
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