Search - Amistad on DVD

Actors: Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne
Director: Steven Spielberg
Genres: Drama, Mystery & Suspense, African American Cinema
R     1999     2hr 35min



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Movie Details

Actors: Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne
Director: Steven Spielberg
Creators: Bob Cooper, Bonnie Curtis, Colin Wilson, Debbie Allen, Laurie MacDonald, Paul Deason, David Franzoni
Genres: Drama, Mystery & Suspense, African American Cinema
Sub-Genres: Drama, Mystery & Suspense, African American Cinema
Studio: Dreamworks Video
Format: DVD - Color,Widescreen,Anamorphic - Closed-captioned
DVD Release Date: 05/04/1999
Original Release Date: 12/10/1997
Theatrical Release Date: 12/10/1997
Release Year: 1999
Run Time: 2hr 35min
Screens: Color,Widescreen,Anamorphic
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaDVD Credits: 1
Total Copies: 0
Members Wishing: 0
MPAA Rating: R (Restricted)
Languages: English
Subtitles: English
See Also:

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Member Movie Reviews

Reviewed on 9/1/2024...
Epic journey based on true events and pretty harsh at times. Quote from the movie, "What's more bewildering to her this arrogant independence of the American courts.  After all, if you cannot rule the courts, you cannot rule.  Senior Calderon, as any true American will tell you, it's the Independence eof our courts that keeps us free."
Michel D. (michelann) from WALNUT GROVE, MO
Reviewed on 3/6/2018...
Movie making (and viewing as well) could not be better than this! From writing to casting to directing this film has the best of everything going for it! Then add the fact this is a historical reenactment of a time this country cannot be so proud of and there is much to be gained by watching this great film!
Primarily a courtroom setting but with some grizzly action, some of which is set on the high seas reroute from Africa to the United States, the cruelty among men is vividly depicted. Many scenes reminiscent of the great “Roots” A must see movie.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jon M. (Johnny) from ASHLAND, MA
Reviewed on 8/27/2016...
Excellent recounting of one of the strangest, and ultimately more tragic, stories in the annals of American slavery. Here, McConaughey, Hopkins and Freeman are the big heroes fighting for common human justice, with Djimon Hounsou the proud, fearless but ultimately tragic victim of this horror story. The mind still boggles that such things could ever actually have occurred. America's own holocaust. But films like this help to maintain our human and spiritual sobriety in a world that is threatened by such hatred and horror yet again in the 21st century.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Randal A. (Movieran) from SATELLITE BCH, FL
Reviewed on 1/28/2014...
A remarkable story followed by an even more remarkable series of trials. A true story about slavery with International consequences.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.

Movie Reviews

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident....
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 11/04/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This review refers to the Dreamworks Doby Digital Edition.....
Based on actual events, Steven Spielberg and Debbie Allen collaberate to bring us one of the many heartwrenching stories of the plight of Africans,during the illegal slave trade of the 1800's.
A group of African people who were brutally draggged from their villages are being transported for slave trade. Only knowing that they are chained and mistreated one man,breaks loose and leads a rebillion against the ship's crew. In order to ensure their own freedom they must take the lives of their captors. They are discovered in American waters, and a trial ensues as to the question of murder.
It becomes an international case. Everybody from the queen of Spain to the owners of the ship "Amistad" are claiming ownership of these men and women. Being pre-civil war, the abolishionists are also making a case for their freedom.This is a case that could lead America one step closer to Civil War.
One property lawyer who has never worked on a case of this proportion, takes on the task of trying to prove that these are not plantation slaves,but citizens of Africa taken by force and did what they needed to do to be free, as any American would do the same. His task is a difficult one,but as the tragic story of these people unfolds he is able to put on his defense. They also get some help from the ex-president John Quincy Adams,whose eloquence puts the Declaration of Indepence to the test.
This is a magnificent piece of cinema in all respects. Spielberg brings to our attention yet another important piece of history that was cruel and inhuman,one of American history that we were hardly aware of.It is an epic film that will wash over you with several different emotions, and you will want to watch it again and again.
No big introduction needed for most of the cast who seemed perfectly fitted to their roles. Matthew McConaughey outstanding as the lawyer, Sir Anthony Hopkins is brilliant as Adams, Morgan Freeman and Stellan Skarsgard are totaly believable as the abolishionists,and Pete Postlethwaite perfect as the lawyer for the prosecution. Also in a sterling performance is Djimon Housnsou as Cinque, the spokesperson for the Africans. His portrayal of the enslaved man who only wants his freedom will captivate you.I must also make mention of Nigel Hawthorn and David Paymer for their wonderful performances.The cinematography is breathtaking. The music scored by John Williams and especially the African music will stay with you long after the movie. You will also be impressed with the costume designs. The film was nominated for four Academy awards,including one for Best Supporting for Hopkins.
The DVD is top quality.The Widescreen(Anamorphic) gives us an incredible view of everything going on in the courtroom scenes and on the ocean voyages. The picture does justice to the great cinematography. It is clear and crisp, colors are vibrant. Nighttime scenes are vivid as well. The 5.1 Dolby Dig surround fills the room. It can also be viewed in the 2.0 stereo. The special features,including a behind the scenes featurette are informative as well as entertaining. There is closed captions if needed.
You will not be dissapointed with either the film or the DVD transfer, it is one that will be a great addition to your collection. Watch it again and again.......Laurie

also available in this Spielberg 2 pack:Saving Private Ryan/Amistad"
So what if history is made more entertaining?
Reginald D. Garrard | Camilla, GA USA | 06/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)

"Have the critics of this film's historical "accuracy" never heard of "dramatic license"? If they had, then they would understand that Spielberg, like most of his profession, slightly alters history to make for greater theatrical effect or even heighten the events of the story. "Amistad" achieves both with scenes of horror combined with those of great poignancy that make for a total movie experience. While there are times when the film drags, the performances and the engrossing story itself make up for the few inadequacies. Though stars Morgan Freeman (especially riveting in the inspection of the Amistad scene), Anthony Hopkins, and Matthew McConaughey perform well in their respective roles, the best acting belongs to Djimon Hounsou, Razaag Adoti, and Abu Bakarr Fofanah as three of the Africans, and the underrated Pete Postlethwaite as prosecutor Holabird. Nigel Hawthorne, as the inept President Van Buren, and Peter Firth as a conscious-ridden British ship captain are also memorable. Spielberg skillfully balances a movie that is a courtroom drama mixed with an indictment against the slave system of America's past. The scenes of the events of the cursed "Middle Passage" are as graphic as is possible within the confines of Hollywood filmmaking. John Williams contributes a beautiful and understated score, just below the surface of the on-screen events, providing just enough to carry the story along."
Great story drowned in syrup
H. Schneider | window seat | 04/12/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)

"What an opportunity for a great film: the drama, the tragedies, the historical crossroads, the meaning for US history in the state of birth...
I am often opposed to remakes, but this story would deserve a competent serious new version without the cute little Hollywood cliches and without the music that envelops everything in sugar coating.
I am not sure which parts of the tale are historic and which are added by the script writer or Spielberg. I find it hard to believe in John Quincy Hopkins, and if the real man did make this speech, it was a great one and would have deserved to be acted without the horrible sentimental soundtrack. The whole part is such a terrible cliche, it almost does not matter if it is historically correct. The esthetic conventions of inferior Hollywood productions should be banned from serious subjects.
(Was Martin van Buren really this awful as President?)
I would still say, the film is worth watching, but it is so unsatisfactory."