Choices - A Disappiontment
Renee Overton | Escondido, CA | 06/27/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I hate to give a bad review but... "Choices" was a BIG disappiontment. "Choices" is about a disabled high school athlete, (played by Paul Carfotes) and his girlfriend Carri. (played by Demi Moore.) I am all for rooting for the under dog but please... This movie is so bad it put me to sleep.When I went back to watch this movie a second time I was still very lost. "Choices" is suposed to be about a disabled athlete and his girlfriend. However, I did not catch on to what the the problem was until the movie nearly ended.All actors did an ok job given the weak story and dialogue. One actor I was impressed with was, Victor French, of "Little House on the Prairie" and "Highway to Heaven" fame. Of all the cast, I think victor gave the strongest performance. Victor's performance is also the reason for my two star rating.In my opinion, spend your money on something else. Chances are, this movie would be collecting dust in your collection."