Sicker than sick, stupider than stupid, negative 5 stars
Peter Rush | Leesburg, VA United States | 03/27/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The two previous reviewers have it right. To say I'm in shock, having just rented the DVD, would be an exaggeration. Something so pathethic can't shock. Since there are no characters, the copious blood that flows from the dozens and dozens of people who get shot on screen (there are more dozens shot off-screen, for no discernable reason) might as well be cartoon-character blood. The only emotion this movie arouses is mirth, laughing at how God-awful bad everything about it is. I can't recall a single fragment of a scene that betrayed any genuine acting. Oh, and dismay that one has wasted a perfectly good 80 minutes or so when one could have actually watched a movie in that time, not to mention wasted the money to rent it (I sure hope nobody but the rental places has ever actually bought this pseudo-flic), and the wasted time to drive to the rental place. There is more drama in watching ice melt. More character development in Beavis and Butthead. More plot in Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. But enough. Time to get on with my life."
Worst Movie(if you can call it that) Of All Time
Peter Rush | 05/25/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"As the title of my review states This is the worst thing put on film that I have ever seen avoid it at all costs!The Acting(haha) Directing,Story,Plot and everything else about this flick.well it SUCKS! It just ain't no damn good!! It Most defenitly does not deserve any stars, but to write a review I had to give it at least one. I too want my money back from the rental place, I could make a better western with my Kids and a Cam-Corder!!STAY AWAY STAY FAR AWAY!!"
Save yourself! Avoid this horrible "movie" at all costs!
bigbobsdonutpoo | Lost in the Sauce, WA USA | 05/01/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"At last, I have finally seen a film of the western genre that is actually worse than 1993's "Posse", with Mario Van Peebles. What appeared at first to be an honest attempt at a period-based home movie, turned out to be an honestly grave error. Some of the, heh heh, pardon me--acting--was worse than anything I'd ever seen from those stuffy drama losers from high school (you know the kind). Pssst! Hey D Linder, listening to monotone dialogue is boring! Please don't ever try directing a film again! Instead, become a cop and go direct traffic: maybe the accidents you cause won't be as bad as this was. Good thing the story flowed so well, naturally blending from one scene to anoth--oh wait, that's a different movie altogether. Oh, and the fat prostitute our 'hero' pays $40 for...that's a bit much, quite gross, actually. Wow...this was just SO incredibly believable. I bet the 'old west' was exactly like this! Next time these buffoons want to make a movie, they should try getting people who don't speak like robots. And a story that's worth paying attention to. I actually got off my butt to go take out the garbage. And mow the lawn. And wash the car. And fix that kitchen cabinet my wife has been at me about. Whew; this movie wore me out! If I go on any more about this farce, I'm going to hang myself...while pretending I had anything to do with the making of this epic of dynamic proportions (...). Too bad you can't rate something with negative stars...I want my money back from that rental place."