The Professor | California | 11/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Based on the review above, I contacted the company before buying this title. They told me that though the initial pressing was missing the audio on the second title, it was caught almost immediately and only 125 copies got to market with this problem. They also informed me that they would replace any defective copies if you drop them an email at their website. With this assurance, I went ahead and purchased a copy. To my delight, it not only plays perfectly, but both films are sharp, crisp and the best, most complete versions of these films available anywhere. The Alpha video version of MITRB looks like mud next to this. Extensive liner notes and beautiful packaging all around. A "must-have" for Slaughter fans and devotees of classic horror."
Buy this!
Robert H. Knox | Brentwood, NH United States | 12/11/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, my first copy had the audio problem, but the replacement played fine, so don't be afraid to buy this fine introduction to an overlooked horror star. In his highly theatrical way, Tod Slaughter was as enjoyable as Karloff or Lugosi, and, as a few reviewers have noted, no actor ever had so much fun being Bad (with a capital B)! FACE is probably his best and BARN is his first; both films are eminently watchable with good picture quality. So, give Europe's Horror Man a chance; if you love '30s and '40s fright films, chances are you won't regret it. I, for one, hope to see more Slaughter on DVD."