Andrew Ellington | I'm kind of everywhere | 09/17/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"People are defending this movie? I'm stumped, but whatever. Not to knock anyone else's taste (who am I to judge) but this movie was one of those films that left me scratching my head, and not in a good way. I know that Jeff Shannon's review states that it is a subtle shocker; one that is `creepily engrossing' but I found it just plain boring, and rather stupid. This was the trend in the early 00's though; blast out a billion of these PG-13 horror films to capitalize on the success of that 99 ghost movie (yes, I'm playing the `...Sixth Sense' card again, but it fits so why not) and see how much money we can make off of an overdone plot point. This film just doesn't offer anything new or exciting. The plot is under worked and the scares (I know that the reviewer makes it sound like a good thing that the film isn't `in your face' scary, but isn't that the point of a horror film?) are nearly non-existent; and when they come they are generic and borderline laughable.
Seriously, stay away from this dud.
To feign sounding ignorant to those who claim that I just don't `get it'; I want to make it clear that the concept here is actually one I find rather intriguing. I mean, the idea that our fears are shaped by the ambiguous ones that plagued our childhood is pretty ingenious, and the concept of shaping a film around those ever-shape-shifting fears is one that could have worked gloriously; I just find the films construction and delivery to be lacking in some very key areas. It just doesn't come together like it should have. But, maybe the concept is too vague to work when you think about it. Some things that work on an intellectual level can't work from an entertainment perspective, and I fear that that issue comes into play here. The movie-going public likes resolutions. They like to know what they rooting for and or rooting against. Keeping things so vague and mysterious can become frustrating and irritating when the resolution is swept out from under us.
We like to be `guessing', but we also like to be told if we are `right'.
I just think this film fell completely apart and needed to be reworked and maybe even completely scrapped. Instead, what seems like a brilliant concept becomes a forgettable and at time laughable reminder that Hollywood can only make the same film so many ways so many times before it becomes a statistic."
Why such a bad rap!? I LOVE this little creeper!
Jennifer M. Hensley | Hawaii | 01/14/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"'THEY' is one of those horror flicks I love so much, regardless if it has Wes Craven's name slapped on it. It's weird, if this flick didn't play out the "don't-go-to-sleep bit", it wouldn't have seemed like a Wes Craven flick at all. Maybe that's why so many people (even Wes Craven fans), hate it, because 'THEY' doesn't answer all the questions and leaves a lot of mystery for use viewers to wonder. Yet, Wes Craven is willing to support this film. In Wes Craven's films, that's very uncommon to see. I admit, I can be one of those that just has to have all the answers. haha. Anyway, I really don't judge a movie by who's behind it or who is in support of it.
This story is also a perfect example of why it's good to have some things unanswered! It makes it fun for me when I get to use my imagination about the 'night creatures', the victims, where 'THEY' come from, and what 'THEIR' overall purpose is! It makes me want to create my own comic book that would be based on answering these questions! Sometimes it's no fun to have a film that answers all the questions; it's good to have a horror film that allows you think why things are the way they are! This is by far not the first horror film to exercise this idea. It seems that most of the younger generation have forgotten that older horror stories thrived on this style back then. Also, I admit that I was one of few who liked it but one of the many who had forgotten about it. This flick came out in 02'; it wasn't till 07', when I remembered it and had suddenly got the urge to seek it out haha.
Overall great little creeper with awesome looking creatures!